The 3 W’s of merchant navy. The merchant navy isn’t exactly a very common or popular profession. There are many people around the world who are either not aware of this unique industry or have several misbeliefs about
the same . However , owing to a larger than life depiction in popular culture , it intrigues a vast majority of people who’ve never worked or known as a seafarer. This curiosity results in questions that seafarers are , quite understandably repeatedly answering to every such person who has no to negligible information of the field of merchant navy. We have heard several myths by people who have no clue about the industry .
So we have decided to bust all those myths once for all , so the next time Someone asks you a clichéd question , you can just point them to this article.
Here are the 3W’s of merchant navy.
Wine Women and Wealth-The Myth Buster
●Seafarers earn loads of money (wealth): probably the
most common aspect of a conversation with a misinformed individual,
everybody seems to think that we are cash cows that get paid a huge amount
of money . Agreed , the pay is good . However it is similar to the pay that
individual get after getting themselves a decent MBA/Masters and landing a
respectable job ( of course after certain years down the line of their careers). It
is correct that the initial pay is far better than what one would get at shore, but
the gap closes up as time goes by . Moreover people at shore ought not forget
the pains a seafarer has to go through to bring in the sort of money-time away
from family, living at the mercy of nature , tough labor onboard etc. In our favor
though , we don’t have to pay the taxes , and rightfully so .
●Seafarers consume alcohol all the time (wine):
The world over seems to think that sailors have an infinite capacity for alcohol- wine women . Couple that with their idea that alcohol on-board Is subsidized to the point that its free. This notion gives people the credibility to think that sailors drink alcohol like its going out of fashion . What seems to be ignored is that there are random alcohol tests onboard and that now there is a ‘company policy ‘ against drinking and all of that. Also forgotten that the fact that drinking deters sharp judgement ; and that mistakes at sea can threaten the lives of all on board . In our favor , alcohol is indeed very cheap onboard (but that doesn’t give us the liberty to drink it freely though ) . Most of the ship are now becoming ,”no-alcohol” zone’s.
●Seafarers have girlfriend at every port (women):
The sole reason why sailors are interpreted to be inherently unfaithful .!. There
was a time when a sailor was greeted at ports with a string of women to
choose from . But then that was decades back ! However overtime , with the
advent of safety regulations , ISPS codes and other security measures , this
has become the thing of past . Combine that with the running ones health and
life back home , we have a purely fictional idea of sailor’s entertainment at
port. . It is undeniable that if looked for services can be found anywhere in the
world, but that’s for any Human being and not restricted to a sailor . A new
country , a new port offers a plethora of sights and experiences . Also none
understand the value of relationship(and the loyalty goes with it ) more than a
sailor. Time away from the loved ones doesn’t weaken bonds but strengths
them instead . Unlike others , seafarers knows the true meaning of – someone
special is waiting back at home .
The 3W’s of merchant navy “ women , wine , wealth” has now changed to work work work ….