Get to know about why your decision of joining merchant navy was awesome decision or choice in your life. Let’s peek in to this article to know more. There are criticism and questions raised on the profession of merchant navy like being isolated, boring etc. But those who are part of this profession knows deep down in their heart […]
Tag: Life at Sea
Maine Maritime Academy Courses, Admission, Fee and Address
Get to know about Maine Maritime Academy Alumni, Fees for the courses, how to apply for this college, its acceptance rate and contact details for it. Maine Maritime Academy is a nautical training institution. The academy is located in Castine in Hancock County, Maine, USA. It was established in March 21, 1941 by the 90th Maine’s governmental body. William […]
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping Offices Address and Contact Details
Get to know about all the offices of the Lloyd’s Register of Shipping and their contact details as well. If you are planning to use their services, then you need to have this information with yourself. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping is a London based quality and risk management company, which helps their clients to build and operate with quality […]
Stowaways Problem in Shipping-All You need to Know
Who is a Stowaway, What they do, what to do if you find a Stowaway, and why this is a problem for the shipping industry? Let’s read about it in a detailed manner. Stowaways as name suggests is willful act by the people to transits to another other country in illegal manner. Well there are various standards terms that […]
Suez Canal Expansion Development Project Completed-Ready for Usage
Suez Canal which is a gateway to European waters from Middle East waters, is all set to for commercial usage from 6th August. For past years, Suez Canal authorities are busy in expanding the canal, so that in future more ships can ply through it, thus increasing the size of fleet that passed through it. Suez Canal Expansion […]
2nd Officer Work Onboard, Salary, Promotion and How to Become 2nd Officer
2nd Officer or 2nd Mate is the next promotion that you get after 3rd Officer. Like other Deck Officer, he or she has to do, the watch from 12 to 4, i.e. in the morning and noon. Also apart from it, other port related work. 2nd Officer Work or Responsibilities on Board There are ample amount of responsibilities for this […]
Every Day checks in Engine Room Rounds from Funnel to Tunnel on Ship
When a duty engineer is taking rounds, half of the problems or troubleshooting can be done by them, if they check the items below given properly. This is for a specific ship, so some things can vary, but mostly things will be same. This piece of information gives idea to the engineer as what they […]
3rd officer salary in merchant navy
When you enter sea as a Deck Cadet, your next promotion, or you can say your first officer promotion is 3rd officer or 2nd Mate only. Being the first promotion, new lads stumble upon lot of responsibilities being an officer. Approximately after 12-18 months of cadetship, you finally become 3rd officer, after clearing your exams. And then, you are part […]