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Maersk suspends 5 Crew Members amid Rape charges
Recently Maersk suspended 5 crew members in connection with allegations related to rape and sexual harassment of a female cadet at sea. According to the blog post by the female cadet, it is not only her but several woman cadet have suffered similarly and this is one of the dark side of shipping industry which […]
Approved Maritime Training Academy/Institutes by dg shipping bd
Here is the complete list of maritime institutes that are approved by the Bangladesh Maritime Administration. This is the latest list; more information can be seen on this website. Approved Maritime Training Academy/Institutes by dg shipping bd First we will see the government institutes and then later the private ones. Government Institutes by dg shipping […]
MARPOL Annex 6 Regulation 14-All necessary details
MARPOL Annex 6 Regulation 14 (or MARPOL Annex VI Reg. 14) is a significant regulation that addresses the reduction of sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions from ships. This regulation is a critical part of the broader international effort to reduce air pollution from the maritime industry and improve air quality. Regulation 14 sets limits on the […]