A senior citizen from Canada who was arrested, has been sentenced to 40 months federal prison after he was caught with about 200 gallons liquid methamphetamine on his sailboat.
He was going from Mexico to Canada on his sailboat (Mandalay). 66 year old was somewhere near to about 225 nautical miles off Newport, Oregon in international waters on his sail boat MANDALAY, when USCG tried to communicate, his conversation was breaking and will only talk on VHF.
USCG boarded the boat and he was unable to show any kind of papers. After search was made, large quantity of meth was found on the boat. He was also found to have done overdose of drugs and was medically evacuated for further treatment.
He told the investigators, that he is a smuggler and have done this many times. He recently came out of prison on the charges of drugs and smuggling, after completing 90 months sentence in jail.
Image Credits: USCG