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Boiler Gauge Glass Blow Down Procedure and Maintenances
Boiler gauge glass needs to be blow down, regularly, to make sure that it is showing the correct reading and there is no blockage in the line of water and steam. This is also to check that, water and steam cocks are not leaking. This is a physical mean of showing the correct level of water in the boiler. […]
Surging in Main Engine and Its Reasons
In this blog post, I will explain the surging reasons in the main engine of a ship, how to prevent them and what to do if they happen. Surging is a phenomenon that affects the performance and efficiency of the turbocharger, which is a device that increases the air pressure and flow to the engine […]
Difference Between VIT and Super VIT
In this blog post, I will explain the difference between VIT and Super VIT in an engine. VIT stands for Variable Injection Timing, which is a method of adjusting the fuel injection timing to improve the thermal efficiency and reduce the specific fuel oil consumption of an engine. Super VIT is a type of VIT […]