ice breaker ships, co2 carrier Sea News

CO2 Carrier Under Development Just Like Gas Carrier

South Korean Shipping Yard DSME and ABS, are working together to make first CO2 carrier in the coming months. ABS and Yard are right now designing the ship with a capacity of around 70,000 cubic meters. This is part of developing ecosystem for transport and storage of the Co2 which is used a lot in food and other related industry. This will be very sustainable as the emissions will be less also when produced and transported in such a large scale.

Right now they are choosing the correct material for very low temperature storage like steel. Just like LNG carriers we have, there will be CO2 carriers as well. DSME wants to be undisputed leader in this segment and thus is spending on the design of such setup. Once everything is finalized, the construction will be done on the standards set by the ABS.

It will interest to note that the seafarers who will be running these kinds of ships will have to go for some special training or not.

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