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ICE breaker Ships-All you need to know
This article is about ice breaker ships. Today, bulk transportation is largely done by sea, But problem arises when the sea is frozen. How do ships will reach at port via frozen waters? Frozen sea can be found in some parts of North America and Canadian coast. It becomes even a greater matter of concern […]
CHIEF OFFICER and BOSUN Dies After Injury From Large Wave
Two seafarers onboard Oil Tanker Arafura had a tragic death after they suffered injuries due to large wave that hit them while working at forecastle. Both of them went forward to check something during DRAKE PASSAGE, and were struck by big waves leading to serious injuries. They were not able to recover from the same. […]
Do’s And Don’ts When Joining Ship For The First Time
Joining ship for first time? Here are some of the do’s and don’ts that you need to take care while going there. You worked for years to get in to the ship-it is little different ambiance there as compared to what you have studied. There are different people out there and you have to work on moving world-totally different from land based […]