We all are well aware of the fact that a ship is one of the very few working places where you can encounter some situations, which you have not encountered or which you may not come across in your entire lifetime except when you are on a ship. We seafarers, sail the oceans and are […]
Tag: Ship Safety
How to Deal with Stress and Depression on Ship
This article discusses about the means by which you can beat out the stress or tension that a seafarer might be suffering from when onboard a vessel. It is known fact to all of us, that merchant navy is not all about visiting different places and also earning thousands of dollars. For the time period you are onboard, you might […]
Life Boat Launching Procedure and Recovery
In this article get insights about procedure of life boat launching and what precautions that you will take while doing so. Life boats are an emergency requirement when no other option has worked to keep ship afloat. During this time, it is necessary that the lifeboats that are provided on the ship to be launched and all the people onboard […]
Engine Room Fire Fighting: Explained With A Case Study
Fire is one of the most dreaded accidents on board. Engine Room Fires more so, because of the difficulty in actual Engine Room Fire Fighting exercises and also the presence of hazardous flammable vapors that always pose a risk to make the accident even more life threatening. During training programs, we all have discussed at length and often come […]
Controllable Pitch Propeller System Fails-How To Take Ship To Port?
CPP systems are used in various merchant vessels. They have advantage of good maneuverability. But if this system fails, then it might create lot of problems. In many ships having this arrangement steering gear is not present. So, if it fails then it is very difficult to steer the ship. CPP system uses the hydraulic oil to change […]
What is Fire and Fire Fighting on Ship
This article discusses about fire which is a very common phenomenon yet a dangerous one. How to prevent fire? Well there are several practices which if are followed will never lead to outbreak of fire. In this article you will also get to know about what types of equipment used to stop fire on board […]
ISM Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Annually Safety Checks on Ship
International Safety Management System Safety checks that needs to be carried on board ship are discussed here, have a look at them. ISM required regular checks up of the safety equipments and other machineries for safe navigation and to safeguard the seafarer who are working onboard. Every Company has its own checks lists, but mostly […]
What is Enclosed Space and Precautions while entering it
In this article a thorough discussion about the enclosed spaces and precaution that need to be taken by any personal while entering into it, has been discussed. Over the year many seafarers have lost their lives due to some or other type negligence done while entering in to the enclosed space. So what is about enclosed […]