This time we are interviewing a sailor queen Laxmi Todiwan, who has been a contributor here on Mariners Galaxy. We had a few questions for the lady who wears many hats and each one that she has earned for herself, not only bringing pride to her family but also the entire fraternity. She is a […]
Tag: Sailors Queen
Read: Happy New Year from a Sailor Queen
Read this so called important notice, this morning: It’s recommended to regular morning walkers / runners / riders to avoid morning workouts from 1st to 5th January 2018. Heavy crowd of resolutionary people are expected during this period. Situation will get normal from 6th January. It did bring a smile and also the realization that it’s the New Year, […]
Read: Sailor Comes Home- The Wait Is Over!
The thrill of homecoming hasn’t changed from time immemorial. Coming home to the family makes the work richer, easier, meaningful and more fun. It is tremendous source of joy and excitement after completion of the contract. Also an intense relief regarding your beloved husband’s safe return home, but you can’t keep calm until you see him in […]
My Sailor’s Love: A Personal Tale By A Queen
Received a forwarded message on my whatsapp and I felt it being so true. Sharing it here with due credits to the author, poet or sailor. Salute to him for beautifully expressing his thoughts and sharing a page from his life, speaking not just for himself but the entire fraternity. I know they are men of […]
Those were the days- A look into the Sailor Life
I was addressing a group of young hospitality professionals. The lecture began with how the Indian Hotel Industry was in the past, the current scenario and what could one expect in future. It was a pretty interactive session, much more than I expected it to be, overshooting the time! Let me not bore you with the […]
Women’s Day Special-They Are The True Queens
Traditionally women have managed the hearth and the household and raised children. They have been a support to the men folk who were considered to be the providers for the family. Women had to fight long battles just to be treated fairly and given equal opportunities in the personal and professional lives. International Women’s day […]
The Sailors are from Mars and I live on Venus
To the WAGS out there, for the sailors reading this post let me expand WAGS, it stands for Wives and Girl Friends. Apologies if you think I am underestimating your knowledge of the world but thought of simplifying anyway. Just like I had to tell my sailor what ‘lol’ stood for! Ladies and sailors, let’s […]