blank sailings
Sea News

Rising Blank Sailing in Container Shipping- A Big Concern

As the world battles with corona outbreak, the number of blank sailing among container business has increased a lot for the first time in the history. BLANK SAILING is referred to cancel of the sailing. Container carriers have a schedule for each month of you can say for time duration. But when they don’t have enough cargo, they have to cancel them.
As per the figures around 300 plus sailings were cancelled in the month of May itself. In the past 6 months, the trend has been going down, which is a big concern for all the shipping alliances. With overcapacity in terms of vessels, they might be forced to go on the anchorages, which is not good. It will be also affect the job market as well.
If number of blank sailing keeps on increasing, it clearly means that the cargo is less. With so many ships and no cargo, would simply result in losses to the owners and charterers as well.

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