The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) Part 3 is the final component of SEEMP, designed to provide a comprehensive framework for shipowners and operators to further enhance the energy efficiency of their vessels. It focuses on establishing a culture of continuous improvement and sustainability within the maritime industry. In this article, we will explore […]
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) Part 2
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) Part 2 is the complementary component to SEEMP Part 1 and is designed to further enhance the energy efficiency of ships. In this article, we will explore SEEMP Part 2, its purpose, key components, and how it contributes to more sustainable and environmentally responsible maritime practices. Purpose of SEEMP […]
SEEMP Part 1- Its Purpose, Components and Benefits
The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) is an essential tool for shipowners and operators to improve the energy efficiency of their vessels. SEEMP Part 1 is the first component of this plan and serves as a fundamental guideline for enhancing a ship’s energy performance. In this article, we will delve into SEEMP Part 1, […]
Meniti Karier di Teknika Kapal Niaga
Teknika kapal niaga adalah bidang ilmu yang mempelajari tentang perancangan, pembangunan, pengoperasian, dan pemeliharaan kapal niaga yang digunakan untuk mengangkut barang atau penumpang di laut. Kapal niaga adalah salah satu sarana transportasi yang penting bagi perekonomian dunia, karena dapat menghubungkan berbagai negara dan benua dengan biaya yang relatif murah. Bagi Anda yang tertarik untuk menekuni […]
Meniti Karier di Nautika Kapal Niaga
Meniti Karier di Nautika Kapal Niaga: Perguruan Tinggi Terbaik dan Pengeluaran, Langkah dari Sekolah. Meniti Karier di Nautika Kapal Niaga Pengantar Bagi mereka yang memiliki gairah terhadap industri maritim dan bermimpi memiliki karier di laut, “Nautika Kapal Niaga” (Navigasi Pelayaran Dagang) menawarkan peluang yang menjanjikan dan petualangan yang mendebarkan. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan prospek kar […]
Berikut daftar lengkap dan terupdatenya APPROVED MARITIME TRAINING CENTERS by Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut. APPROVED MARITIME TRAINING CENTERS No Training Center Address Certification 1 STIP JAKARTA Jl. Marunda Makmur Cilincing Jakarta Utara COC,COP 2 STIMAR AMI JAKARTA Jl. Pacuan Kuda No 1-5 Pulo Mas Jakarta Timur 13210 COC 3 STIMART AMNI SEMARANG Jl. Soekarno – […]
pelaut dephub go id-semua detail
Pelaut Dephub Go Id: Situs Resmi Pendaftaran Pelaut Indonesia. Pelaut Dephub Go Id adalah situs resmi yang dikelola oleh Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia untuk melayani pendaftaran, sertifikasi, dan pengawasan pelaut Indonesia. Situs ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah pelaut Indonesia dalam mengurus administrasi dan perizinan yang berkaitan dengan profesi mereka, serta untuk meningkatkan […]
Difference Between EEDI and EEXI explained
The Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) are both important regulatory measures introduced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to improve the energy efficiency of ships and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the maritime industry. However, they differ in their focus, application, and timing: EEDI and EEXI-What […]
Difference between seemp part 1 and part 2
SEEMP, or the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan, is a set of guidelines and measures aimed at improving the energy efficiency of ships and reducing their environmental impact. SEEMP is primarily associated with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the maritime industry. It is divided into two parts: SEEMP Part 1 and SEEMP Part […]
What is Propeller Singing in Merchant Ships
“Propeller singing” in merchant ships refers to a phenomenon characterized by the production of a distinctive noise or vibration as a ship’s propeller rotates underwater. This sound can range from a low-frequency hum to a high-pitched noise and is typically caused by the interaction between the propeller blades and the surrounding water. propeller singing in […]