Shipbuilding is a process of making ships and other auxiliary related to it. Over the years, due to rise in trade through sea, a considerable amount of shipbuilding activities were seen all over the world. There are various small, medium and large companies that are making these vessels. In today post we will look on some of those who do this massive work of creating a mammoth out of nowhere.
Hyundai Heavy Industries
HHI is located in Ulsan area of South Korea. Around 7 specified businesses like Engine & Machinery comes under their organization. But they are not alone operating on these projects, several small companies are also attached with them, hence it shows how big they are in their business. In the year 2012, they posted revenue of around 49.4 Billion dollars. More than 25000 employees are currently working with them. Company was founded in the year 1972. They constitute around 15% of the shipbuilding market and around 35% when it comes to making ship engines. Quarterly a magazine called as ‘New Horizon’ is published by them.
Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering
Another major shipbuilding house in South Korea. It is headquartered at Seoul, South Korea and was founded in the year 1978. From naval ships to world largest containers, all are made here only. Maersk ordered construction of Triple E class container carrier and they are delivered in year 2013-2014 as per construction. In the year 2010, they posted revenue of 11.4 billion dollars and has 25000 employees attached to them.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
MHI is a very famous and common name when it comes to shipbuilding. They are leader in this and will remain the same. MHI is a subsidiary of main company called as Mitsubishi Industries which has operation in engineering, auto, space etc. Over the years, largest development in shipping has taken place here only. And they share a very unique heritage of making ship from 17th century. From LNG carriers to cruise all are made here. But repair works on ships is also a major task carried out by them. In the year 2011 they posted revenue of 35.1 billion dollars.

STX Offshore & Shipbuilding
It is also among the largest companies that are having shipbuilding operations and is located in South Korea. LNG Carriers, Platforms, Naval Ships etc are made here only. It is second largest group in Europe and in the past 40 years, they have made more than 700 ships.
Samsung Heavy Industries
It is a part of the major group named as ‘Samsung’; they have operations in Mobile, television and other electronic devices. This shipyard specializes in making ultra large ships and have arrangements for same. They have around record of launching of 30 ships in one year. Mainly they are elite when it comes to making of LNG tankers and Drilling Ships. In the year 2012, their total turnover was around 12.1 billion US dollars and more than 12000 employees are attaches with them. Company was founded in the year 5 August, 1974.
Sumitomo Heavy Industries
Another major shipbuilding organization which is located in Japan. Laser systems and injection molding systems are some of the expertise area they work on. Company was founded in the year 1888 and has gone several changes over the time.