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Best practices in maritime logistics
Best Practices in Maritime Logistics. Maritime logistics is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the flow of goods and materials across the sea. It is a vital component of global trade, as about 80% of the world’s merchandise is transported by sea. However, maritime logistics also faces many challenges and risks, such as cyberattacks, […]
International Seafarer Day 2016- June 25th
International Seafarer Day will be celebrated all around the globe on 25th June. This is a day which remembers and salutes the efforts that every seafarer goes through to make this industry keep going. International Maritime Organization has dedicated 25th June as the world seafarer’s day and to celebrate this day; all over the world programs and events are organized. Seafarers […]
Boiler water test on ship- Name of all tests
Boiler water test on ship. Boiler water test is a routine procedure that ensures the quality and safety of boiler water on board ship. Boiler water test can detect various impurities and contaminants that may affect the performance and efficiency of the boiler system. Boiler water test can also prevent corrosion, scaling and foaming problems […]