This post focuses on the life at sea and what it made us to learn from it. Here we will see what are the things that we actually learnt when we went out there. Life at sea is totally different experience. Well for some it paved a new way for the growth, and for some it was just not there cup of tea. Those who have spent some of the time out there might know that sea surely made them to learn things in life. Let’s see them one by one.
Let’s begin our post here:
1) You need so less
Yes, while sailing at sea you learnt that actually you need very less to live. No fancy cloths, no more expensive cars etc. Well these things mattered you a lot when you were at lands, but here it does not make any sense.
2) No Boundaries
Actually roaming around the world is itself a different experience. Wonder how much is there to explore? You might have ended up being in your own place for whole of your life, without knowing what is out there.
3) Countries, Religion- Does not make sense
You live with so many nationalities with different culture and religion. But differentiating on the basis of these factors, does it made any sense? Actually you have some very good friends from different countries and religion. You also start to know what other people of different countries think.
4) The Value of Relations
While you were at land, you might have taken social events and your relations for granted, because you had access to those all the time, but here at sea, you knew the importance.
5) A Leader was born-eventually
Those who have sailed will agree with this point. Work at sea requires decisions every day as what you have to say and what not to! Eventually you will feel that, you are good in making decisions faster and better.
6) Good taste for entertainment
Surely you need something at sea to pass your time. Exposure to different music and movies, you will find lot of other genre that you like. At land it is quite difficult.
7) The Potential of this Business
People hardly knows, how much potential and scope this shipping sector has. In fact we never knew more about, until we put our foot on the ship. And after few years, you might start feeling that there is so much out there and it is the biggest industry.
8) The beauty of Nature
Surely there is no greenery over there. But every time, the rain, clouds, sun, moon etc, makes the day perfect. And there is no monotony out there. And you also get to know that power of nature in front of which humans are nothing.
9) No Internet Slavery
Well this is little debatable topic. While at land, you will always complain out internet speeds etc, but at sea this does not make any point for you. Internet speed enough to send you message is enough for you. In fact timely chat with your family puts smile on your face.
Hope you enjoyed reading this stuff. If you want to add something to it or have suggestions, please comment below. This was all from this post.