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Types of Bunker Frauds and How to Deal With Them
Bunker refers to the fuel oil for the ships. Ever since the advent of diesel engines, the problem associated with the fuel supply to the ships like dirty oil, less oil etc are quite and are faced by the ship staff every day. With oil being the most important when it comes to running cost […]
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I was told to write an article covering the dos and don’ts that a lady should follow when she joins her husband on the ship. By virtue of me being married to a mariner, this is but naturally expected from me. I have a blog so I guess that automatically makes me the person to […]
MARPOL annex 6 latest amendments-Latest
If you are interested in the MARPOL annex 6 latest amendments, which were adopted by the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in 2021 and 2022. These amendments aim to reduce the carbon intensity of international shipping and to designate new emission control areas for sulphur oxides and particulate matter. Here is a summary of […]