Shipping Industry

Different types of Boiler Mountings, their purpose and Functions

Boiler is an important piece of machinery  that is being  on ship. It is used to generate steam and in turn this steam is used for various purposes like heating of fuel oil, laundry etc. Since Boiler is a pressurized vessel and it is needed all the time, proper functioning  of this piece of equipment is always necessary. There […]

Merchant Navy Shipping Industry

What is Incinerator, Working and Maintenance Required on Incinerator

This article discusses about the working and construction of an incinerator. The incinerator is used on board ship to burn the waste products generated on board and other waste. It is also very important machinery and thus it is necessary for us to know about this machinery. So, let’s discuss about this machinery in little […]

Fresh Water Generator
Shipping Industry

How to Start and Stop Fresh Water Generator

Fresh water generator as name suggest is an machinery onboard which is used to generate fresh water for various purposes like drinking, washing etc. An engineer should know as how to operate this machinery effectively as water is a crucial fluid onboard. This machinery uses the principal of evaporation of water at lesser temperature if done so in low pressure […]

Shipping Industry

What is Emergency Generator, Starting and Stoping Procedure and Maintenance Required

Emergency Generator like any other normal generator on ship is required for the purpose of production of power (Electricity). But as name suggests, it is to be used in case of the emergency like Black Outs, getting ship to live after dead condition. Since the entire generator on a ship lies in the engine room, there has to be […]