Shipping Industry

MEO Class 4B Written Questions and Answer For Ship Safety and Environment Protection- Part 5

Ship Safety and Environment Protection is an important subject in the MEO Class 4B exam. So those who are preparing for them, will find this post quite useful. Quesitons are given here and if you want answer of the same, then you can ask them. 

Ship Safety and Environment Protection Questions

You would like to read this article first All you need to know about Class 4B exam.
1. The
Centrifugal ballast pump in the engine room also doubles as an emergency fire pump
in your ship. What specific precautions would you take to change over the
ballast pump from ballast / d-ballast mode to a fire pump mode.
2.      With reference to procedure for port
state control, define the following terms:
(A)    Substandard ship
(B)    Stoppage of an operation
(C)    Recognised Organisation
(D)    Valid Certificate
(E)     Clear Grounds
meo class 4b, meo class 4a exemption

3.      A vessel should normally behave as if all
of its weight is acting downward through the center of gravity and all of its
support is acting upward through the _____________.
(A)    Keel
(B)    Center of buoyancy
(C)    Tipping center
(D)    Amidships section
Justify Your Answer
4.      The use of flexible hose pipes to connect
the crude oil washing machines is permitted only on ________________.
(A)    Product tankers
(B)    Crude oil tankers
(C)    Combination OBO tankers
(D)    Chemical tankers
Justify Your Answer
5.      Which of the following is NOT a recommended
safe practice?
(A)    Securing equipment against slipping or
(B)    Operating machinery at its recommended
(C)    Repairing loose handles on tools before
(D)    Using tools for purposes for which they are
not designed.
Justify Your Answer
6.      Inspection of a Halon fire extinguisher
involves checking the hose, handle, nozzle, and _______________.
(A)    Each sight glass
(B)    Weighing of the extinguisher
(C)    The service technicians report
(D)    The last date it was charged
Justify Your Answer
7.      Control of flooding on a ship should be
addressed immediately _________.
(A)    Following the failure of the main engine.
(B)    Following control of a fire.
(C)    Following restoration of vital services
after a short disruption.
(D)    Only if a threat exists in the form of
collision, grounding etc..
Justify Your Answer
8.      On a ship, a fire pump may be used for
other purposes if _______________.
(A)    The other services are run off a reducing
station with pressure gauge
(B)    A separate fire pump is available for use
on the fire main
(C)    All other services are operated by a
manifold near the pump
(D)    All of the above conditions are met
Justify Your Answer
9.      One of the uses for low velocity fog is
to _____________.
(A)    Help produce mechanical foam
(B)    Break apart class “A”
(C)    Sweep burning liquids overboard
(D)    Act as a heat shield to protect the fire
Justify Your Answer
10.  The value of the maximum righting arm is
dependent upon the position of the center of buoyancy and the ______________.
(A)    Longitudinal center of gravity
(B)    Transverse center of gravity
(C)    Downflooding angle
(D)    Vertical location of the center of gravity
Justify Your Answer
11.      (a) What is an oil record book?                                                                           
(b) What is
the regulation concerning above requirement?                                 
      (c) What all is recorded in oil record
book part- I?                                             
12.      (a) What is SOPEP?                                                                                            
(b) What are
contents of a  SOPEP locker?                                                        
      (c) Prepare a Pre- Bunkering checklist.                                                               
13.      Describe with an outline sketch a zero
discharge sewage system?         
14.      Write short notes on:
(a)    SART                                                      
(b)   HRU                                                                                                             
(c)    ELSA                                                                     
15.      As per “SOLAS” what are the requirements
(a)    Communication means between navigation
bridge and engine control  room
(b)   International shore connection                                                                                   
16.      What routine checks should be carried out
(a)    Dry powder extinguisher                                                                              
(b)   Sprinkler system head                                                                                    
17.      What are the statutory certificates
carried on board a cargo ship? Explain their significance briefly?                                                                                
18.      During a PSC inspection, what may be
points of concern on which your ship can be detained? Restrict your answer to
engine room related items.                 
19.      Write short notes on any two:
(a)    STCW Code’95                                                                                             
(b)   IMDG Code                                                                                     
(c)    ISM                                                                               
20.  Your friend has received a mild electric
(a)    What will be your immediate course of
What first
aid means will you administer?   
1.      Briefly state the major areas of a ship
and the equipment, that a Certificate of Fitness (for chemical carrier) covers
within its scope of certification.
2.      Briefly state what do the following
certificates stand for and what are there validity periods:
(A) DOC and
SMC Certificate
(B)  SRT Certificate
(C)  Certificate of registry.
3.      Briefly state the salient features of
International Load Line Certificate, on board a ship. Who issues the LL
certificates for vessels of Indian Registry?
4.      There has been a minor fire incident in
the engine room and there are no casualties. On arrival port which of the
following persons would you inform?
(A)      The port fire officer
(B)       The local shipping agents
(C)       The management representatives of the
(D)      The classification society surveyor.
(E)       The attending  repair workshop.
Give an
appropriate answer with adequate justification.
5.       Mechanical foam used for firefighting,
is produced by ____________.
(a)    mechanically mixing and agitating foam
chemical, water, and air
(b)   a chemical reaction of foam components and
(c)    gas bubbles liberated when the foam
chemical contacts fire
(d)   chemical reaction of foam components and
Justify your answer
6.      A fuel oil double bottom tank on a ship
has been certified by an “Explosive Inspector” as being “Safe for
Men” and “Safe for fire”. This condition may change
(a)      the ambient temperature changes
(b)      a product leaks into the certified tank
(c)      muck, sludge, or scale in the tank give
off additional vapors
(d)     all of the above
justify your Answer.
In the event of a galley fire on board a general cargo ship, most dry
chemical or carbon dioxide portable extinguishers are automatically activated
through the action of a stainless steel cable, spring and a ____________.
(a)      fusible link of tritium, gallium arsenide
(b)      stack switch with sensors
(c)      thermostat of bimetallic type
(d)     pyrostat with activation of pyrotechnics
(e)      none of the above
justify your Answer.
8.      Which of the following statements is true
concerning a Halon 1301 fixed extinguishing system?
(a)      The quantity of Halon supplied would be
less than the quantity of CO2 for the same space protected.
(b)      CO2 gas is used to propel the Halon to
the space on fire.
(c)      The Halon must be agitated occasionally
to ensure that it doesn’t cake up.
(d)     All of the above.
justify your Answer.
A ballast tank is one-third full when additional ballast is added until
it is two-thirds full. The increased amount of liquid in the tank will have the
greatest influence on the ____________.
(a)      free surface effect
(b)      transverse stability
(c)      virtual rise in the center of gravity
(d)     value of the moment to trim one centimetre
justify your Answer.
Fuel oil tank vents are fitted with a corrosion resistant wire mesh
screen to _____________.
(a)      prevent dirt from entering the tank
(b)      dissipate fumes leaving the vent
(c)      prevent flames from entering the tank
(d)     prevent accidental overflow
11.      As an operational level engineer, state
how you would fight an  inflammable
liquid fire spilled  over your bed , all
on your own, without seeking help or alerting anybody.
Expand the following abbreviations in IMO parlance
(a)    EEBD
(b)   LLL System
(c)    VTS
(d)   LNG / LPG
(e)    ISPS
(f)    CSO
(g)   SOLAS
13.      List out the names of various statutory
certificates carried on board a special trade passenger ship of Indian
registry. Would it be any different if the vessel were of a foreign registry.
14.      In accordance with the International
convention on load lines 1966, for the purposes of free board computation,
ships shall be divided into Type A and Type B. Briefly state what are these
15.      What do you understand by Sox and Nox
emissions. From where do these emissions emanate on board a ship and how they
can be reduced on board.
16.      State the nomenclature used and relevant
fire test procedures for various categories of bulkheads / separations used on
board ships
17.      State names of some “Harmful Substances”
that you could generally find in the engine room. Take into account everything
that is used in the engine room.
18.      (a) What is ISPS Code?
(b) State
names of  certificates that are to be
held by the ports/ facilities  and the
ship under ISPS Code
(c) If you
were to do an ISPS  audit, name a course
you would  have to undergo.
19.      State some innovative methods of
disposing off waste lubricating oil in the engine rooms.  What is the current practice, you feel as
appropriate enough to confirm to prevailing rules.
20.  A ships hull is protected from corrosion by
some measures. Name the various means and methods by which these protective
measures are taken.
justify your Answer. 
21.      Give instructions in not more than 300
words to your support staff, in dealing with a small Fuel Oil spill on the main
22.      Write Short Notes (200 words) on the
following terms:
A.    Dangerous Cargo
B.     Dealing with noxious fumes in enclosed
23.      In a total of not more than 500 words ,
state how would you prepare to take 
bunkers of diesel oil in a port which is very strict about pollution
24.      Which of the fire extinguishers listed is
to be weighed annually and sent ashore for recharging if the weight loss
exceeds 10% of the weight of a full charge?
A.    Foam
B.     Soda acid
C.     Dry chemical
D.    Carbon dioxide
Justify Your Answer
25.      The safe and efficient use of the face
piece of a demand-type self-contained breathing apparatus is directly
influenced by  ____________.
A.    the donning of the face piece
B.     the stowing of the face piece
C.     the maintenance of the face piece
D.    all of the above
Justify Your Answer
26.      Before the seas get rough, it is a good
safety practice to _____________.
A.    secure loose gear
B.     move quickly about the ship
C.     increase lighting
D.    shutdown auxiliary equipment
Justify Your Answer
27.      Many uninspected vessels require load lines
to indicate the maximum ______________.
A.    reserve buoyancy under any condition
B.     amidship’s draft to which a vessel can be
lawfully submerged
C.     angle of reduced freeboard for subdivision
D.    freeboard for the light ship displacement
Justify Your Answer
28.      While wearing a demand-type
self-contained breathing apparatus the alarm bell begins ringing. Which of the
following conditions does this indicate?
A.    There is a 4-5 minute supply of air
remaining in the air cylinder.
B.     There is approximately 500 psi (3.5 MPa)
of pressure left in the air cylinder.
C.     The wearer should immediately leave the
contaminated area.
D.    All of the above.
Justify Your Answer
29.      You are replacing a section of heavy
piping on deck and using a chain fall to lift the pipe. Which of the following
precautions should be taken to prevent personal injury?
A.    Position several men under the pipe so they
can catch it if it falls.
B.     Attach lines to the ends of the pipe and
have your helpers steady the load.
C.     Place an old mattress under the hoist to
prevent the load from hitting the deck.
D.    Have a first aid kit at the job site.
Justify Your Answer
30.  With regards to the load line marks, the
reason for the placement of mark “WNA” is ______________.
A.    more severe weather is expected in the
North Atlantic in winter
B.     more freeboard is required in the North
Atlantic in winter
C.     less draft is allowed in the North
Atlantic in winter
D.    all of the above
Justify Your Answer
31.      A small fabric fire is slowly spreading
in the ships lounge. Suggest some procedures and means of extinguishing such
fires. Propose a few notices you would issue to the crew to prevent such fires.
32.      Expand the following abbreviations
SOLAS   (b) MARPOL   (c) LNG 
(d) STCW  (e) IMDG  (f) ILO 
(g) ITU   (h) INMARSAT  (i) SAR 
(j) LASH
33.      The STCW Convention shall apply to
Seafarers serving on board , Seagoing ships entitled to fly the flag of a party
except to those on board.
(a)    warship  
(b) dredgers  (c) gas
carriers  (d)  chemical carriers  (e) fishing vessels  (f) wooden ships of primitive build
(g)   nuclear submarines  (h) 
naval ships or other auxiliaries owned by state and engaged only on
governmental non-commercial service.
State which
of the above stated points are true or false.
34.      As per the STCW Convention 78 and code of
95, state to which branch do the following chapters refers to
(a) Chapter
II    (b) 
Chapter III    (c)  Chapter IV
35.      As per 1974 SOLAS Convention the 1978
SOLAS Protocol and the 1981 and 1983 SOLAS amendments, the present regulations
unless expressly provided, otherwise do not apply to
(a)    ships of war and troop ships
(b)   cargo ships of less than 500 tons gross
(c)    tankers of more than 150,000 dwt
(d)   ships not propelled by mechanical means
(e)    fishing vessels
(f)    pleasure yachts engaged in trade
Which of the
above points are true or false?
36.      Suggest some measures of disposing waste
and garbage on board. Be specific of the various types of wastes and garbage.
37.      State names of some “Harmful Substances”
that you could generally find in the engine room. Take into account everything
that is used in the engine room.
38.      (a) What is ISM Certification?
(b) State
names of  certificates that are to be
held by the office and the ship if under ISM.
(c) If you
were to do an ISM audit, name a course you would  have to undergo.
39.      State some innovative methods of
disposing off waste hydraulic oil in the steering flat. What is the current
practice, you feel as appropriate.
40.  A ships hull is protected from corrosion by
some measures. Name the various means and methods by which these protective
measures are taken. 
Ashish S
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