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What is power factor and how to correct it on ship?
Power factor is a measure of the efficiency of an electrical system, and it is defined as the ratio of the active power (or real power) to the apparent power. A low pf can result in a range of problems, including higher energy costs, reduced system capacity, and increased equipment wear and tear. PF-power factor, […]
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Merchant navy is among the most reputed and well paid profession. The immense opportunities and a suitable career attracts immense crowd every year. Those who wish to join this profession should first know about this as what this is all about. What is Merchant Navy? Merchant navy is totally different from the Navy. Merchant, as name suggests is totally dedicated […]
Maersk suspends 5 Crew Members amid Rape charges
Recently Maersk suspended 5 crew members in connection with allegations related to rape and sexual harassment of a female cadet at sea. According to the blog post by the female cadet, it is not only her but several woman cadet have suffered similarly and this is one of the dark side of shipping industry which […]