Shipping Industry

Documents for GOC Renewal, Issuance And Revalidation-Philippines

Read about document required for GOC Renewal, Issuance, And Revalidation for master, chief mate and officers in charge of navigational watch, Philippines.

If you are looking forward to the requirements of documents for the GOC which is issued to the navigational officers, then here is the complete information regarding it. Please note that, only the photocopy of all these documents is needed for this process.

Documents requirement for Master GOC Renewal and Revalidation

Here is the complete information:

For GOC renewal and revalidation

1.      Previous GOC. GOC stands for general operator certificate.
2.   Sea service certificate from company at least for past 12 months.
3.      You need the first page and last page entry of SIRB.
4.      Passport size photograph of 2×2
5.      Medical certificate also called as PEME form.
6.      And an envelope of brown color, long enough to get your GOC.

For GOC Issuance And New Applicant

1.      Result of examination, both practical and theoretical.
2.      Same 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 documents as given above.
GOC Renewal
3.      Training center certificate for GOC.
4.      You ID of PRC And the last one is board certificate.

Documents requirement for Chief Mate GOC

Now have a look at the paper that are needed for the chief mate rank.

For GOC renewal and revalidation

1.      Same 6 documents as required for the master GOC renewal and revalidation, as applicable to this rank.

For GOC issuance and new applicant

2.   Same documents as required in the master GOC issuance and new applicant.
Note: Although the documents requirement are same as captain, but it is to be as per chief mate rank like training center certificate should be for chief mate course.

Documents requirement for OIC-NW GOC

Here is the paper work that you need for officer in charge of navigational watch:

For GOC Renewal And Revalidation

1.      Your previous general operator certificate.
2.      Medical certificate-recently carried out preferred
3.      Seafarer’s Identification and Record Book, you need photocopy of last and front page.
4.      Your last 12 months sea service certificate.
5.      Passport size photographs, with a size of 2×2.
6.      A good brown color long envelope is preferred.

For Goc Issuance And New Applicant

1.      Exam results, both practical and theoretical.
2.      Certificate given by your training center for the GOC course.
3.      Your past 12 months sea service certificate from the company.
4.      Documents no. 3 as given above in renewal.
5.      Latest 2×2 photographs.
6.    A good brown color envelope.
7.      Your PRC ID will also be needed.
8.      And lastly your board certificate is also needed.
Note: Only the photocopy of all the above documents is needed.
So this was all from this post, comment bellow for doubts. That is all from documents required for GOC revalidation and issuance.
Mark Eriscson
Love to write about topics related to maritime sector. Was born in sailor's family, so love to ride on those high seas. In free time i would like to go for a good sunbath and some soothing guitar music. Want to have my own boat one day.

3 Replies to “Documents for GOC Renewal, Issuance And Revalidation-Philippines

  1. GOD cert. Exp. Apr. 2016…srop shipping 2013 proceed as Marine Instructor…. At present…. What is the request.?

  2. I ask about my goc already expired sep.2021. I need full course or refresher of my training certificate?

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