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Black Out on Ship, Recovery and Actions to be taken
Black Out on Ship is a common term which is used, when she loses all the power due to the failure of generators. Well the reason of happening such a event are many which we will discuss about them more latter. Since Ship always have its own power house to feed pumps, engine, lightings etc, failure of power will result […]
US Grain Exports Takes a Hit Due To Power Outages
Though lower Mississippi River is opened for traffic after the storm, the traffic is still slow. Also there are power outages in the southern Louisiana after Hurricane Ida storm the area completely. As this part of US, is primary major hub for the grain transport, subsequent problems mentioned above is affecting exports a lot. Though […]
Who is DPA-Designated Person Ashore
If you work in the maritime industry, you may have heard of the term DPA, which stands for Designated Person Ashore. It is a key role for the proper implementation of the Safety Management System (SMS) onboard the vessels, as required by the International Safety Management (ISM) Code. The ISM Code is a set of […]