Scavenge Space Fire reasons, detection and actions will be discussed in this article in a thorough details. Scavenge space fire can seriously damage the engines and also will hamper in the working of the same. Such fires should be avoided in any case and same can be done by following simple practices. Scavenge space, as […]
Safety At Sea
[Video] Somali Pirates Vs Security Forces
This is the video of fight between security forces and Somali pirates. For more interesting videos, please go through here you tube channel here: You tube channel Piracy is among the serious challenges that shipping industry have faced in the past and still facing. Lot of efforts have been taken to reduce it, but local […]
CO2 Flooding System for Fire Fighting: All about It
CO2 flooding system is discussed in this article in details and we will discuss majorly about how we release it. CO2 flooding fire fighting system is among the common and widely used system on board. CO2 is being used because of its effective smothering action on fire and can be stored onboard in large amount. […]
Water Mist Fire Fighting System
Water mist fire fighting system has been discussed in this article and we will study that in detail. As name suggest water mist system fights fire by cooling down the fire with the help of very fine water droplets also called hyper mist. On different ships, you have might have water mist or hyper mist. […]
Boiler Survey on Ship- All you need to know
Boiler Survey on ship is an important task to be carried as per the classification society requirements. A lot of planning and work force utilization is needed. Let’s peek in to as how to plan this and tips to do this efficiently. Requirement of Boiler Survey On Ship The reason is simple. You need survey […]
Merchant Ship on Fire in Red Sea- Crew Saved
A RO RO merchant ship named AL FAYROUZ had fire onboard and they sent a distress signal using Inmarset.The signal was picked by the Maritime Rescue Coordination Center, France. Then it was informed to the Saudi Arabian MRCC for further actions. As per the latest report, all the crew onboard were saved from the […]
OIL SPILL on MSC Container Ship
Oil spill incident was reported from a Mediterranean Shipping Company container ship named as MSC SANDRA. Oil spill incident happened when ship was taking bunker in port SINES-Portual. As per the latest reports, around 3 tons of fuel oil spilled overboard during the bunker operations. The reason for the spill is still unknown. The preventive […]