Types of NDT test carried out onboard are discussed in this article in a detailed manner. Please read step by step. There are several types of non-destructive testing (NDT) methods that can be used to inspect metals without damaging or altering the material. Here are some common types of NDT tests on metal: Ultrasonic Testing […]
Marine Engines
Accumulation Pressure Test Of Boiler
This article discusses in detail about Accumulation Pressure Test Of Boiler and how it is done. Let’s read it in detail. The accumulation pressure test is also known as the overpressure test, and it is used to check the safety valves and other pressure-bearing components of a boiler. During the test, the safety valves are […]
MEO Class 1 Preparatory Course Institutes
MEO CLASS 1 preparatory course institutes have been given in this post and they are latest. Go through the list given below, if you are planning to do this course. The duration of the course is 2 months. MEO Class 1 Preparatory Course College Name Address Status Fosma Maritime Institute & Research Organisation (Kol) 305, […]
MAN Installed Its Biggest Engine on Largest Container Ship Ever
HMM Algeciras which was recently launched is the largest containership ever built with TEU of 23964. To propel such a massive ship, for sure you need a powerful beast engine. And everything about HMM Algeciras is big for sure- 400 meters long, 61 meters in beam and whooping 23964 TEU container carrying capacity. MAN Installed […]
Scavenge Space Fire: Reasons, Detection and Actions
Scavenge Space Fire reasons, detection and actions will be discussed in this article in a thorough details. Scavenge space fire can seriously damage the engines and also will hamper in the working of the same. Such fires should be avoided in any case and same can be done by following simple practices. Scavenge space, as […]
Water Mist Fire Fighting System
Water mist fire fighting system has been discussed in this article and we will study that in detail. As name suggest water mist system fights fire by cooling down the fire with the help of very fine water droplets also called hyper mist. On different ships, you have might have water mist or hyper mist. […]
Fuel changeover procedure from HFO to DO-Vice Versa
Fuel changeover procedure from HFO to DO has been discussed in this article in detail. With Strict Regulations for emission control coming in control, fuel changeover to cleaner fuel is mandatory. Here in this article we discuss about the fuel changeover on commercial ships. Why Fuel Changeover is Needed As per the direction by the […]
Electrical Propulsion on Ships- Complete
Electrical propulsion on ships has been discussed in this article in detail. Electric propulsion is used mostly on passenger vessels or Cruise lines and other small vessels. But with emissions norms becoming stringent, they will make their way into merchant shipping as well. Electrical propulsion has lot of advantages over the internal combustion engines which […]