Mr Nayak, 2nd Engineer in one of the reputed companies of the world was unable to attend the last rites of his wife due to lockdown all over the globe due to corona epidemic. After suffering from acute leukemia, his wife died on 29th April. Upon hearing this news he was totally shattered onboard and contacted company for his urgent repatriation to home.
This was very challenging for the company as well; none of the ports will allow him to sign off. Company even tried to put him on a ship which is going to India (As crew change is possible from 21st April). Company supported Mr. Nayak in every way and contacted ministry of external affairs and other related to government organization for his fast repatriation. Time was running out and it was very crucial in his case.
He has a 5 year old daughter to take care too. With so many efforts, finally he was signed off from ship on 23rd May and came to his home city Bangalore, under government Vande Bharath mission. He is still not able to unable meet family as his 14 day quarantine has just started. It is very tragic as well as sad situation for the seafarers as loss of life partner and not able to see her for the last time. Our condolences are with the seafarer and his family.