As per the recent seafarer’s happiness index issued by the mission to seafarer’s organization ‘Happy At Sea’ it clearly shows a drop in the index. This means that seafarers are less happy as compared to the last year in the same quarter. In the year 2019, last quarter happiness index was 6.39 out of 10, and now it is 6.30 out of 10 for the first quarter of 2020.
The drop in the index is because various reasons like NO SHORE LEAVES in covid-19 times and Workload. Happiness index follows a small survey of 10 questions, in which you have to answer from 0 to 10 scale about your answer. It is in fact a great tool to monitor the situation as it contains inputs from various sailors around the world. It includes nationalities, rank and type of ship and lot of other data as well. With COVID-19, affecting the crew worldwide, the drop in index was for sure expected. If you are willing to check your happiness score, you can do so by participating in the survey link which is given below.