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Collision between Container and Bulk Carrier in Singapore Strait
There has been an incident of collision between a container ship (Iranian) and Bulk Carrier (Indonesian) in Singapore Strait. As per the news, container carrier suffered a major damage on the port side, with possible hull breach. After collision, both ships grounded. Mostly this was after collision to avoid each other way. Name of the […]
Methanol Fired Engine by MAN 8G95ME-LGIM and Its Challenges
Methanol Fired Marine Diesel Engine. Methanol is a promising alternative fuel for marine applications, as it can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. Methanol is also widely available, easy to handle, and compatible with existing infrastructure. However, methanol has some challenges, such as its low energy density, high toxicity, and low flash point. […]
Shipping Companies Interview Questions For Cadets
This is the second part of our series that aims to train all the cadets appearing for the shipping companies interviews. The basic aim is to make you aware of the questions that are frequently asked by the various shipping companies in their interviews. In the times when, getting placement sis getting tougher, these types […]