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Marine Engineering is that branch of technical education that covers, mostly the technical aspects of marine machinery. It includes marine engines, offshore units etc. This field needs people to have knowledge of various different fields in much deeper manner, which includes safety as well. But if you start studying about something related to this, you might end up in having […]
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I was having a conversation with my husband the other day, as I turned 40. I was going to divulge in that…. it’s some feeling you see! Asked him if 40 was the new 20? He laughed saying, “If you are asking me how you look; then I would say 20, mentally may be 15!” […]
What is Emergency Generator, Starting and Stoping Procedure and Maintenance Required
Emergency Generator like any other normal generator on ship is required for the purpose of production of power (Electricity). But as name suggests, it is to be used in case of the emergency like Black Outs, getting ship to live after dead condition. Since the entire generator on a ship lies in the engine room, there has to be […]