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Chief Officer Resigns on Ship Due To No Sign Off?
A letter from a chief officer to his company has come into social media in which it can be read that he resigned from the rank of chief officer. The reasons mentioned in this are mental stress and physical exhaustion. This is most probably due to late sign off as you can see the joining […]
5th Annual Global Liner Shipping Middle East Conference 2015
4th Annual Global Liner Shipping Middle East Conference 2015. This was among the important conferences held for the liner operators all across the globe. This conference focuses on how to improve the existing services, with green practices being followed while doing so. It also put emphasis on the existing local infrastructure needed for the liner services and how to make […]
ISM Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Annually Safety Checks on Ship
International Safety Management System Safety checks that needs to be carried on board ship are discussed here, have a look at them. ISM required regular checks up of the safety equipments and other machineries for safe navigation and to safeguard the seafarer who are working onboard. Every Company has its own checks lists, but mostly […]