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MAERSK Expands As They Acquires E-Commerce Tech Startup-HUBB
Maersk is actively focused in expanding their e-commerce presence by various acquires they have done in the past. The latest one is HUBB, which is a Portuguese start up using cloud based facilities. This firm has specialization in B2C warehousing for fashion Industry. B2C means from seller to consumer directly with no middle man, usually […]
Engine Room Rounds Guide for Marine Engineer-Part 2
Engine Room rounds if taken in proper manner, will save lot of time and also will be helpful in keeping all the machineries and parameter under control. Here is the 2nd article in that series. Engine Room Rounds Guide-Part 2 1) Now comes your generators. Well there are few things that you need to check like any sign of external […]
Captain and C/O Of A Ship Tested Positive For Corona
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