Shipping Industry

Electronic Gadgets That Every Seafarer/Sailor Should Have

Get to know about all the Electronic Gadgets, gizmos that every seafarer should have while they are sailing or not. Gadget are not luxury, they are necessity.

Electronic Gadgets are not new to the world and they always fascinate all of us around the globe. There are so many articles regarding gadgets, but none for the sailors. In fact sailors are the ones, who will have all the top notch gadgets in the world. So we decided to do an article on this information, as what gadgets you should at least have as a seafarer.

Electronic Gadgets for Sailors-The Least List

So let’s checkout this list of awesome gadgets


Music is a great way to beat stress out there at sea, and even on land. While lot of companies provide speakers to the officers, but most of the time we find, either, one speaker is working or wires are misplaced. So, it is always nice option to buy a decent piece of speakers. Beats, Bose etc cost only around 100-150$, but the sound is awesome. What can be better than playing beetles song or Rap music
in the morning and evening on ship? And yes don’t forget about party songs.
Bluetooth Speakers

The Laptop/Tablet

This is a prerequisite to have one. Movies, songs, videos……the list is endless. Having laptop is quite necessary these days because you will always not having good movies running in the common day room. Plus if you want to play games, laptop is far better. Just carry HDMI cable and you can connect the laptop display to the TV display and rest things are awesome then.
Dell, electronic gadgets


Note: Having a mobile phone is the must have. You can’t think of any other gadget than this.

The Camera-Action or DSLR?

Well I personally feel that, capturing your movements is the best idea in life. Capturing party, storms, sunrise, sunset, you name it and there are so many things you want to capture. Plus since you are sailor, you will visit different countries and thus, it becomes quite necessary to have a good camera. Action camera like Hero Go Pro are among the best, who wants to do more than just photos.

Bluetooth Headsets

The flight journey, the gym and other stuff, you always need a speaker system that is personal and don’t annoy others as well. Well Bluetooth headsets are awesome for this work. Just connect and you are ready for blasting music. In fact during your gym time, Bluetooth headsets are of great need, avoid hassle of wires.

Hair Trimmer

This one is of most importance on board. You don’t want to use the common ship trimmer. So buy a decent trimmer. If you are cool with spending 20-40$ ashore for getting a haircut, then surely you don’t need one. But we personally think a trimmer is as important as anything.

Portable Hard Drive

You will be there for months. You need to have good storage for all your movies, songs etc. Plus it is very handy when it comes to taking games and movies from other people on ship.

A Watch-The Trendy

Having an electronic watch is quite useful for you. Brands like Casio makes some of the best digital watches down the line. There are two benefits of wearing a watch and digital watch. Only watch gives you the sense of time onboard. Digital watches might be used for alarms, and different time zones-which are quit necessary for seafarers.

Goggles-The Must One

Yes we know this is not the gadget, but this is among the must have things for seafarer. Merchant navy have always been associated with CLASS and STYLE, so this is the must have thing. A good pair of aviators is always welcomed.
Image Credits: The Respective Companies
So these are the common things that you need to have. Did I miss something in? If yes, please mention that in the comments.
Ashish S
Hi there! Well I am not a writer, just writes what can help people-that's it. Interested in listening from you. Loves to talk about gadget, music, nerdy stuff and witty substance in the talks. A Good respect in heart- for web.

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