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Story of Captain Parrot and Magician on Cruise Ship
A magician worked on a cruise ship. The audience was different each week, so the magician did the same tricks over and over again. There was one problem. The captain’s parrot saw the shows each week and began to understand how the magician did every trick. Once he understood, he started shouting in the middle […]
Fuel changeover procedure from HFO to DO-Vice Versa
Fuel changeover procedure from HFO to DO has been discussed in this article in detail. With Strict Regulations for emission control coming in control, fuel changeover to cleaner fuel is mandatory. Here in this article we discuss about the fuel changeover on commercial ships. Why Fuel Changeover is Needed As per the direction by the […]
What is Overspeed Trip, its types and how it works
An overspeed trip is required to ensure that fuel supply will be cut off from engine if its speed exceeds the predetermined value. Over speeding will result if there is · Sudden removal engine load such as propeller coming out of water in rough weather, failure of clutch, fracture in a drive shaft of engine. · Stuck fuel control shaft. Any trip […]