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2nd Engineer Dies of Corona Virus on Cargo Ship
News is coming from Philippines that 2nd engineer with virus symptoms died on a cargo ship. Name of 2nd engineer is Aristone Calad, 65, a native of Deplahan, Zamboanga Sibugay. He was found dead in his bed. Investigation showed that he had symptoms of cold, cough and fever. His colleagues said that after cargo operations […]
5 Reasons Why People not Joining Merchant Navy
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MSC Ship Goes to Anchorage for 15 days After Crew Test Positive
MSC LAUREN which is 12500 teu ship is now doing 15 days quarantine in anchorage outside Peru, as one of their crew member was found to be covid-19 positive. Not much information has been given about this incident. Ship was on Asia to West coast of Latin America route. On 21st September, one crew member […]