Let’ see what things you have to keep in mind while you are sign off from the ships. These are crucial to you and will surely help you in many ways.
Ok so this is the happiest time in sailing period. And you are about to get to the home. Everybody loves that mail which states that you will be signing off from this port, on this date. But sometimes, we tend to forget small things and we regret it to the rest of the period about it. In this article we have compiled information about the things you should keep in mind when you are signing off.
Sign Off? Keep These Things In Mind Before You Do So
Let’s read about them one by one.
The Memories
Don’t forget to collect all the videos and photos that you took in your sailing time. Most of them will be lying in others camera, mobile, computer etc. These are the things that are like assets to you and you will never wants to forget about them. People usually tend to forget them and later on regret about these.
The Papers
Your sailing experience certificate, and other essential documents that are with master, are off prime most importance to you. Don’t forget to collect them. Also check the stamps on your sailing certificate and the others important paper like COC and CDC (Seafarers identity)
Prope Handovers Reports And Handovers
When you are going back to home, it is wise to make a handover report for the new guy coming onboard, thus will help him or her a lot, plus you will have a good time while handing over to him or her. It is a good habit. It is rounded world; you never know when you stumble upon that guy again in the future.
Check The Flight Details
It is wise to check the flight detail properly as once you are out of the ship, it is very difficult for the company and you to contact with each other. Ship is the best place for communication.
Getting Rid Of Unnecessary
There is lot of things that accumulates unnecessary on your long time stay on the ship and you might want to pack a light bag this time. So, throw away the things in garbage that are off no use, like shavings blades, worn out t-shirts etc.
The Cash
Mention the master about the cash you want to take to the home. In last minute he or she might not be able to give you the desired amount.
Settle All The Money
Before you sign off settle all the salary and unpaid amount with company and also, your provision bills. It is good to do before, as compare to doing it on the last time. It will reduce your pain on land for contacting company regarding this.
The Final…..Warms Regards
It is a good habit to say bye to all the people onboard, no matter if you had some bad times, with some people out there. At the end of the day, it is wise decision to be frank with everyone. Because those were the people who remained with you for such a long duration and they helped you and passed time with you in both bad and good times. A good hug with everyone is always a nice gesture.
Hope you enjoyed reading this stuff, if you have suggestions please comment below. This was all from this article on Things to Keep in Mind before Signing Off.