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Dealing With Long distance /Extended Contracts
Today as I sit by my accommodation window, I cannot believe I’m actually here. Everything still feels fresh and new like the first time. nothing has changed . The vast blue ocean , clear skies , crew in their uniforms and of course me…the water baby ( as I call myself) sitting at the window […]
5 Awesome Tips to Keep Sail Boat Engine Fit
Here some of the awesome tips to keep sail boat engine fit and healthy. An engine is heart of the boat and is the one thing you need to rely a lot when doing critical maneuvers. Though the boat engines, should not give any problems if maintained properly. But they do, and thus it is […]
How Governor Works in an Engine and Their Types
Governor of engine is a piece of instrument and an integral part of engine working system. Well the main function of a Governor is to control the speed or RPM of the engine in a control manner. What happens is that when load on engines changes, engine tends to accelerate or decelerate. During increase in load, RPM of the Engine […]