1) Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hi, I’m capt. Samarth Sinha, I’m a sailing master with BSM, with over 22 years command experience. Other than that, I’ve been a race engine builder and tuner, I’m a foodie and a fitness enthusiast.
2) How did you get into sailing? How long have you been sailing?
I actually got into sailing by accident. I was preparing for my engineering entrance, when I visited my cousin in Mumbai. He was applying for merchant Navy and managed to convince me to do the same overnight. We both applied together and were both selected. It has been 34 years since that time.
3) What motivates you for daily work out?
This may come as a surprise to most of you – I work out so that I can eat whatever I want. I’m basically a foodie J. However once fitness becomes a habit, it just requires consistency.

4) Does being captain and fitness enthusiast inspire other people onboard?
I do believe that it does. When youngsters see me keeping up with them while I’m in my fifties, it motivates them to improve on their own fitness.
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5) Physical fitness is one thing, but what about mental health, it is less spoken area in maritime sector?
Actually Mental health has been at the forefront of wellness discussions in most companies and on board ships since the start of Covid and restrictions on shore leave. Most companies and their HR departments are taking mental well being very very seriously. There are a lot of initiatives like ISWAN App for seafarers particularly aimed at Mental well being.
6) As per you what is the ideal definition of being fit?
A person should be free from aches and pains. If you can climb up 4-5 flights of stairs without getting winded and carry your own suitcase, you are good. Anything over this is a bonus. The trick is to maintain this basic level of fitness as you progress with age. So you may want to keep something in hand while you are younger.
7) Onboard recreational activity is of great importance; do you think after MLC there is some ground level change in terms of facilities onboard?
There has definitely been some standardization across various operators. There were some shipowners and operators that probably did not place so much importance on crew well being and welfare prior to MLC. So, I’d say yes, there has been ground level change.

8) What problems sailors are facing these days?
Every era has its own set of problems. In the old days, it was almost a normal for relief to be delayed, mail being delayed and so forth. But in times of better coordination and communication, these things are not accepted anymore. Also, with the advent of the huge vessels, the total number of sailing staff required worldwide is not increasing commensurate with world trade. So in that sense the number of jobs are few. When there is oversupply of staff, the owners can dictate terms and conditions as they are in a position to pick and choose.
9) How is your daily schedule at ship?
I’ve been serving mostly on vessels with a very quick turnaround. So I don’t even have a regular sleep schedule. I often joke that my time of sleep depends upon the time of tide at Bremen.
If I am at sea for more than a day, my typical day is as follows-
Wake up around 0630 and have my coffee with the Ch.Off on the bridge while we go over the day’s workplan and any concerns, the freshen up, have breakfast. Occasionally have a safety brief before the Toolbox meetings are conducted by the respective team leaders. Then messaging and administrative work. At 1000 I have my morning coffee in the engine room and the chief officer also joins in so it is kind of an informal daily management meeting. Then I catch up with any pending work – accounts, reports or queries etc. Lunch is 1200, after which I check my messages again. And then catch some rest with a book or audiobook.

1500 coffee sometimes on the bridge and sometimes in the crews mess. Some work. Then weather permitting, I workout between 1630 and 1730. Check my mail and dinner at 1800. 1830 to 1930 is a classroom with the trainees on board. 1930 is Movie time. All off duty officers and crew watch the latest movies together in the smoke room. I make the popcorn. After the movie around 2230, I check my mail for one last time and write down the night orders and then turn in with either a book or some web series.
10) Any major change you want in the shipping world?
The biggest problem that I see in the current scenario is the urgent reliefs are not possible due to visa requirements. If someone in a key position needs relief on urgent or compassionate grounds, it is in most cases not possible for the reliever to fly out due unavailability of a Visa. Once the SID convention comes into force and seafarers are able to travel visa free to all countries for the purpose of joining ship and repatriation home, this can be improved.
11) What do you think is lacking in the new sailors?
Personally, I believe that the new sailors are very good and we should not start with the premise that there is anything lacking. It is our responsibility as seniors to train and groom them properly. Where we need to pay more attention is with the advent of new technology, we need to guard against over-reliance on equipment and understand the limitations of each equipment that we use. Also one should never forget the basics. Your eyes and ears are still the most important tool whether you are in the bridge, deck or in the engine room. Never forget this.
12) Your favorite, tourist destination, Recipe, Actor/Actress, car. Who is your role model?
Favorite tourist destination – Cancun in Mexico & Leh in the Himalayas.
Recipie – I’m a big foodie and like to try local cuisine wherever I go.
Actor – Keanu Reeves
Car – Tricked out Supra
13) Last Question- what do you think about marinersgalaxy.com?
I think that Mariner’s Galaxy is a beautiful platform that is a beautiful blend of being educative, informative and still caring for the human aspect of seafarers. You guys are doing a beautiful job of supporting our community and I wish you great success.
ALL VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THE ARTICLE ARE OF AUTHOR OWN. Marinersgalaxy is just a platform to write your thoughts and ideas.
I’m GME graduate
And i was sailing in a shipping for temporary contract., Afterthat die to some personal reason i can’t able to continue my carrier
Now I’m again wish to join the ship
Can u guide me