IMU CET 2017 results were declared on 8th June 2017. Since this time IMU has moved its pattern of examination from pen and pencil to computer based, lot of thing have changed. Let’s learn more about this exam. IMU cet cut off has been discussed here.
IMU CET 2017 Exam Pattern
IMU CET 2016 had 200 questions in total, being asked from subjects like PCM, General Aptitude, English and General Knowledge. Subject wise questions are like this: Physics, Chemistry and Math- 125 questions English, Aptitude and G.K- 75 questions
IMU CET 2017 Result
Students after giving computer based exam on 8th June 2017 will have to wait for four more days to get the results. Since this time
they have given computer based test, so results won’t take long time to come.
Although 8th June 2016 is the tentative date and may change, but this is the final date till now. In the comments please share the questions that were asked in the exam, and also get experts opinion out there. You can ask in our facebook page as well.
Students can
see IMU CET 2017 Results Online here,
IMU Results. The result are available in pdf files, seperate for UG, PG and other courses. Just download the file and then press ctrl+f, and enter your name or imu application number. Make sure
that, you save that, which may come handy for future use.
IMU CET Cut Off- 2017
The cut off this time gone high because paper was easy and students could able to attempt lot of questions. Well, let’s see how the exam pattern was.
In Physics we had around 50, questions asked. And each questions carries, let’s say 1 mark. So physics section contributes around 50 marks, which is itself a high number. So whosoever attends more and correct, will surely get good rank. The questions that were asked are not that tough,
expect few questions. Those who have read NCERT books, and some reference ones, will surely get edge on this.
Now comes the Math subject. Same as physics it will also have 50 questions. Since objective questions are there, students need to be quick in solving the problems. Again it contributes 50 marks. The difficulty level of questions that will be asked in this exam will be the deciding factor.
Chemistry section had 25 questions. Students always complain that, they have problem in chemistry. So, those who are finding it difficult
should concentrate on other subjects. English and General Aptitude will have 25 questions each. Plus General Knowledge will have 25 questions of its own. So in total 75 questions are there. Now, if we clearly look in to this, we can easily find out that, if somebody can get maximum questions right in these three sections will have a great edge and will score good marks. And these three subjects will have 75 questions out of 200, which comprise around 37.5% of the whole paper. So it is obviously easy bait. Let’s have a look at the chart which is given below.

Above picture gives better understanding of how, the whole question paper of IMU CET 2016 is like. Cut off for this exam will depend mostly on how much you attend in 3 hours period and how many you get right. Surely students will have to give more time in aptitude, if some questions involve calculations. Those who are having good command in English will find it easy to score in that particular subject.
IMU CET 2017 Rank Predication
As far difficulty of paper of imu cet 2016 is concerned, it was easy and students found it quite good. Mathematics section was also easy and was based on the basic formulas. As per the students, whosoever have done the mock papers, would have found the exam easy enough. But, if it is easy then it is easy for everyone, and in return, will push the ranks towards more marks. For example: If question paper is hard, so one may get good rank in less marks like 70, because very few people will have that much marks. But, if the paper level is easy, then, one might not able to score good rank, even after scoring more than 100. It is just the way of describing how rank will fluctuate. So, this time cut off has gone high.
What if I Don’t Get Good Rank in IMU CET 2017
IMU CET is not an end to your career. There are two things, one you study hard and you did not score well for some reasons, and other one is that you never had enough studies for it. But still if you want to go for merchant navy, anyhow, then, there are several maritime colleges, having
management seats, you can try them. Or you can appear for this exam next year, if you passed 12th class exam this year. Having confidence in you is quite important. Since this is a peak time of exam results, you might not feel confident about what to do next because you may have not got good ranks in other exam. Keep your spirit always up and look towards the brighter side.
Very good post indeed. Sir, how much imu cet 2014 cutoff we are expecting????
Let's see how will be the paper.
sir, I have got 6663(general merit) rank in IMUCET is tr any chance of getting a college in Mumbai campus
sir, I have got 6663 rank in IMUCET 2016 is there any chance off getting good college .sir im in confusion plz reply fast sir.
That depends on what course you are looking forward to.
DNS course does not depend on rank, but ur performance at different companies for acquiring their sponsership. Some colleges have their own CET for Bsc and Btech engg in marine
Sir. I want to take admission DNS course I have not qualified in entrance test 2017 jan still is there any chance to I can take admission in this course if yes then how
Can u plz tell me is there any criteria that good rank to be need to take best top collages for dns course Like great Easter in Mumbai…….
I have 11681 rank in this Imu ug exam….can I get a college
Sir i have attended 100 questions in this exam, will i get good rank in imu cet 2014
is is necassry for passed in gk,apptitude and english for qualifying in imucet 2016,
sir i am belonging to general category and i have confident to do atleast 80 question out of100 in physics,chemistry and mathematics
so please tell me how many minm question i have to done in english,gk and apptitudeand logical resoning to get rank under 500
Hello Sir,
How much cut off we are expecting this time. I have done good in maths.
respected Sir
I am expecting 120 marks and belong 2 sc category. Can I expect any good rank in imu 2014?
Hello Shailja,
See paper was quite easy this time, so cutoff will go high. But since your are SC category, you might get good college.
what was the last year's cutoff?
sir my pcm is 62,eng88 and i have sponsorship from anglo eastern maritime academy, belongs to nc-obc
my imu rank obtain ed this year is2467.
will the company will take me for aug bat rep fast pls sir
Yes You will be able to join a college.
Hi can u tell me after how many days from the commencing date of your written and 16pf test you got the call for interview from anglo after your
sir i got 1031 rank , which college i can get??
Depends on which course and location you want to choose. Seats for Deck courses are more as compare to Engine.
sir i have got 600 rank in cet 2014 could i got any government collage for btech or bsc
Hello Amit,
Congratulations for scoring good rank. You have fair chance of getting good colleges like meri, imu chennai etc.
On how much no. u get 600 rank
How many marks got in IMU CET 2014
How many marks for 600?
Yes. Although you have sponsorship, but college selection will be based on your rank.
Sir, what is the cutoff rank for imucet 2014 (june)?
SIR my general rank is 1094 and i am obc ncl . so can i get some good college. i mean government
Well that will depend on your choice of course. You might get one.
can i get imu mumbai any course
Sir,i have got 898 rank in imucet..which college can i get at best
You will get one of the IMU campus.
sir i got 810 in imucet general do i have chances in be marine in imu kolkata pls reply
Sir, i have got 2128 rank in imucet so will i be selected for imu colleges? & sir what is the process of councelling and where it will be held?
Yes you can get admission. Counselling will start in July.
SIR,,i hv given the imu cet exam,but my name is not in the result list.Can i get admission in Imu collages without rank.If Not ,,Which collage will take admission on 12th marks.My pcm percentage is 65.And i wants to do DNS.
You can try for management seats in various colleges.
Ive got 1892 rank in cet….now what ?
Wait for Counselling Details.
Sir,I have got 3442 rank in imu cet.Will I be called for counselling?If yes,then which college would I get?
Well yes you will be called. But it is difficult to tell which college you will get at this rank.
sir I have got 108 rank in imu 2014 for mba..did I get imu chennai campus?
May be or may not. Because if lot of student will go for Chennai campus, then it is hard to get at this rank.
sir,I got 3795 rank and I'm from Obc category and I got 70% from bihar board .can I get any college sir?
Yes you will get one college.
sir I got 3159 rank in imuCET and i blong to sc cat. can i get government college
Depends on which course you are applying for. But still rank is little high.
Sir,I have got 3442 rank in imu cet 2014.Will I be called for counselling?If yes,which college i would get?Would I get any govt. college?
Yes you will be called, but chances of getting government college are less.
Sir my rank is 1208. Can I expect a good college with this rank?
Chances are not much, but little hope is there.
Sir in an artical of the hindu it is written that imu chennai cadets are left without placement and offered 1.5 Lac per annum is it true
Sir which course seats filled first in gov collages marine engg or ocean engg
sir i have scored 2204 rank in imucet 2014. I want to join from marine engineering . cn i get sm good college or any of the IMU campus ??
sir i scored 2204 rank in imucet 2014 . I want to join from marine engineering . cn i get sm good college or ny of the imu campus??
Although rank is little high, but you may get one.
Your rank is ok. Sponsorship is only necessary for 1 year course. Because earlier lot of students were in the market without jobs. So now it is necessary to have sponsorship first, to take admission.
How much was you IMU CET score?
How much was you IMU CET score?
can i get government college with 1500 rank in imu.
can i get a government college with 1500 rank in any good recognised course.
Rank is little high for good government college.
my rank is 1500. can i get a government college with a decent course
Which companies provide sponsorship and from where to get their forms
Also I want to know SIMS is a good college or not
SIMS is good college. The college is having tie up with Executive Ship Management.
Sir my rank in imu cet 2014 is 4052..from general category..but I have received 56% in pcm and 86% in English….can I get a college
Chances are less.
Hi, i have got 617 Rank. Can i get btech in meri kolkata?
166 seats in Meri Kolkata for
sir my imucet rank is 1750 can i get btech marine engineering in any of imu govt. campus…iam from general category
Sir my rank is 661. Will i get b tech in marine engineering in meri or in the chennai campus?
Depends on how many students above you go for other courses. If more, then you may get one.
Sir i appeared in imu cet. During the exam the invigilator took the admid cards of all the candidates in our lab. When asked about its return the invigilator replied that the admit is needed to be submitted. After the exam i found out that the admit cards of other students have not been taken. Now i read somewhere that during the counseling the original admit card bearing the invigilator's sign will be required. I have the soft copy of the admit card and can print it but that wont have the invigilatot's sign. What to do? Please help
See you rank is genuine, so nobody can stop you from taking admission, just because you don't have admit card. Take printout of the old one and carry with you. Also, before counselling talk to imu by calling them. They will surely help you in this, as it is not a big concern.
sir with gen rank 1990 can i get a seat for btech marine engg in govt clg
Rank is high, and percentage of candidates going for DNS is also more. Depends how many students in OBC category are ahead of you.
Rank is high, and percentage of candidates going for DNS is also more. Depends how many students in OBC category are ahead of you.
sir with gen rank 3144 can i get a seat for dns in govt college . Is it necessary to take sponsorship?
WILL I GET IT??????????
Depends on how many obc students are ahead than you in rank. If more, then you might not get a good college, otherwise yes you will.
Rank 789 is govt collge possible for nautical or btech marine enginr
Yes it is possible.
Sir can you please tell me how many seats are there for b tech in marine engineering in meri kollata and imu chennai campus
MERI-166 Seats
IMU Chennai- 80
sir my imu cet rank is 542.i want to do b tech in marine eng.can i get meri kolkata or mumbai? if not then which govt. college will be best for me?
Rank is good. You may or may not, because depends on how many students ahead of you go for other courses.
sir i passed 12th in 2013 and qualified imucet for 2014 august batch
will i get admission.
Yes you are.
With 512 rank can i get sm gud college.plz suggest the name.i can do either of b tech or nautical science.
IMU Chennai,
SIMS etc.
Sir when will be councelling for augst batch
I request you to publish the no. of seats in various courses at imu campuses.indeed it will be very helpful. This might help you.
You will become nautical officer.
my rank is 1464. Will I get admission in govt college for B-tech marine engineering? Will it be good to take admission in other affliated colleges
Rank is little high for course. Yes there are other good colleges also.
Hello Sir.
I got 369 rank ion imu cet and i belong to obc ncl..
Can i expect MERI,Kolkata for B.Tech marine engineering??
Please reply fast.
Yes you have a chance.
i got 4690 gen. in imu cet 2014 will i get good affiliated college for bsc naut. and will be called for coucelling sir plz tell me which good clg i may get..
At this rank, it is difficult to get best colleges.
Up to which rank govt. colleges are available for general cat. for bsc ns and btech m?
Difficult to tell, as some students go for DNS and some for
sir, plz tell me the seat matrix of all courses at imu campuses for ug 2014
Check this link
Sir, i my IMUCET 2014 rank is 4071 and in sc category it is 172 will i get any govt. seat ?????
Sir, my rank is 1865 obc can i get admission in govt. College
sir my imucet rank is 783(general) and 237 obc students are above me.Will i get marine engineering in ts chanakya or meri?
sir I have got 2559 rank in IMU .I have got 10cgpa in 10th board and 90% in 12 board.I want to do btech marine engg.can I expect good college.plz reply sir .
sir, what is the rank needed for in MERI kolkata. i belong to sc. can u just give a rough figure??
Under 300 is good. But if you are SC, then Under 350 is also good.
Hello Sir, I have asked to you before and you replied very quickly, thanks for that. but sir I am asking you that with your past experiences and current situations please tell me that on 360th rank in CET,how many chances are there of getting MERI kolkata for BTech in Marine Engineering??
please reply fast..
166 seats for in MERI, if these are filled by the ranks above you, then you might not get, otherwise yes.
Sir when be official notification of imu councelling
Counselling Details for MBA, etc have come already. So we are expecting for UG, in coming days.
May rank is 6195 i am belong to obc can i get any collage in btech maritime
Sir I have got my IMU CET rank as 4444 and I have OBC category,can i get a seat for any UG course in any of your campus.
Sir,during counselling will they refer me any private college or only government colleges??Also sir is it necessary to apply for private institutes before counselling or will they accept my admission if IMU refers me any particular private institue?My rank is 937.
Hello sir.
Where will be the counselling place for imu cet??
Please reply fast.
sir during the exam the hall invigilator didnt signed any admit card in our room.
now as i will be called for counselling , will there be any problm regarding the non signed admit card
sir i have got AIR 235 in IMU CET,what are the chances of getting b tech at MERI ,kolkata as i belong to genral category.please give me some details about councelling venue,procedure,documents required for b tech programme.
Sir,my rank in imucet 2014 is 3774 and i belong to general category.what are the chances of getting a government college in btech marine???
sir i have got AIR 1742 in IMU CET 2014 nd i am from general category, what is the chances of getting government college for BSC Nautical Science.
You may get one, if other students go for other courses.
sir could tolani maritime institute can get through imu rank…..579 general.if not then which btech college could i get
my self brijesh
sir i have got pcm 71.6 but i spoil my cet result as 4500 rank . I am obc so i want to know could i am able to get any good college for dns sir please name them…..thnQ
Hello Sir,
when will be the counselling call letter be released for UG course????
Hello sir, i have got 2309 rank in imu cet… is this good for and is sponsership necessary for this course..???
Dear sir
can you please tell me about sponsorship and i want to take admission but my parents economic condition is not good will collage provide loan i belong to sc category.
sir i have got air 86 in imu cet which colleage and branch should i join
Sir, I've got 1361 rank in IMU-CET and i am from OBC. Can I get B.Tech in MERI Kolkata or MERI Mumbai according to previous year counselling results? I also wanted to know the previous year cutoff ranks for these courses. The counselling fee is too high and I am economically weak. So I dont want to waste money, Sir. PLEASE HELP !!
See it is really very difficult to tell what you might get as flow of students can be in any direction. Also, if you are having very good rank in OBC, then you might get these top colleges.
SIR, i got 605 rank in IMUCET 2014 which colleges can i get for marine engineering. can i get mumbai or kolkata or either chennai.
I got 605(173 OBC) rank in IMU which marine colleges can i get only government. or can i get marine in mumbai or chennai or either kolkata. my email-,
Then, they must be taking their on own exam for admissions.
Better you call IMU for this matter and tell your problem, they should help in this matter.
Sir i have got 898 in cet..will i get imu chennai for btech M.E??
sir i got 4454 rank which college is best for me
You can never predict what might happen in counselling, so don't loose hope.
i got 605 rank in imucet 2014 will i get any marine college. and i have filled only imu colleges in counselling and not any private one.
sir i got 1193 rank in imu cet 2014 and i belong to obc ncl category i have any chance f getting b tech in meri kolkata or meri mumbai ..plz reply sir ..its really important if i dont get i will have to look out for other field in engineering and also plz suggest about govt colleges for DNS
hi,i got 2350 rank in imucet wiil i got good college in btech marine clg ,please tell me the list of good college which i offerd.
hi ,thanks for the good post ,i got 2350 rank in IMUCET ,will i get good college for BTECH course ,plese tell me the list of good government and private college.
Hello sir ,
I got a rank of 5286 is there any chance of getting a college
Sir what if i opt for dns course in imu campuses as a non sponsored it a bad decisn?my imu rank is 898.plz sir suggest me
Sir I m having 1750 rank in imucet (obc) may I get any imu campus in bsc notical science or b tech.
Sir i got 3449 rank in the cet.
Should i go for counselling since seat matrix shows very less seatd.
Also if the seats are less the why has the 2 supplementry list of students been published
Plz sir look into my problem and rply as fast as u can since there are only a few days left for applying.
Sir I m currently in 12th… Am I able to appear in the imu entrance exam….. If yes then sir pls tell me when will paper held…and give the link.from where I have to apply
Yes you can give the exam that will held in month of june.
Read this for more details:
sir first of all thanku for such a informative post, just i query, if am not sponsored then will i be sponsored on basis of my imu rank
Yes, why not. But keep in touch with the companies, so that you will have additional advantage before the exam, if you get sponsorship.
sir i got marks in pcm 47% sir can i apply for nautical bsc
You need to have 60% in PCM.
sir is imu that hard as jee n whr can i get sample ppr of imu cet
No it is not. You can read more about it here:
Sir, I hv 75 in pcm and got a sponsership from Anglo eastern for the dns Feb batch, I wanted to know, whether my imu rank wud matter now or not for final selection? And Sir, do students get failed or rejected in CET? Or everyone passes and get their ranks?
Plz reply soon sir
Yes if you get good rank, then surely you will get a good college and good training as well
Sir,I just confirm you is any chance of 2nd list of IMU cet result about to come? Please reply soon sir.
Sir,can one take admission in SIMS under management Quota?
Yes, you should be able to, as management quota is there in private college. But you have to give imu cet for it. For more info call SIMS office.
DEAR SIr. i ahve cleared samundra institute of maratine exam. sir mujhe pata nhi tha ki imu neccesory hai clear karana mera 9 may ko exam hai.sir plz ap bata de 200 marks me kitane marks necessary hai imu clear karane ke liye. sir plz bata dijiye ga.
i shall be heighly obliged. plz sir
sir i have cleared sims exam.I danot know about imu. but this is necessary to cleard. i am very sad these day . this is my last chance. plz tell me how many marks to need clear this exam. paper will be 200 marks.
SIR PLZ HELP ME PLZ TELL ME. LIKE 70, 80, 90, 50 MARKS TO NEED CLEAR IMU entrance exam plz sir
Well cut off is difficult to tell, but yes give your best, and try to score as much as marks. This will help you to get into a good maritime colleges.
Sir I have my IMU cet on 9 may and test of angloeastern maritime academy on 16 may……so sir is it compulsory to give Anglo eastern test before IMU cet ???? Sir plzzz reply soon ……
No it is not.
sir please tell me how much marks I need to clear IMU .I'm OBC (NCL)
Cut off changes every year.
what is expected cut off this year and how much students appear and how much they select??
That will depend on the level of questions that will be asked this time.
i have got 6914 rank have i cleared imu or not??
the students in the list have only the names of passed one's or of every candidate
Sir pls can u tell me some good private collages that will provide me job gurantee …and how many are needed for general quota in imucet..minimum (appox)
Hello Kavish,
We will shortly publish a article regarding top marine colleges in india. As far as cut off is concerned, that will depend on type of paper.
I m general category candidate and i want to know that how much question should i answer to get selected in imu cet 2015 Sir please reply fast.
There is no as such minimum number of questions that you should answer.
what is passing marks to crack imu-cet
sir please tell me how much marks I need to clear IMU .I'm OBC (NCL),and I had get scholarship from Anglo eastern. Minimum rank to get Adm in Anglo eastern
Hello Saurav,
There is no such minimum marks criteria here, it all depends on the cut off every year.
sir my doubt is that i have attended the imu cet 2015 on may 9th when results are published are they considering 12th marks and shortlistin for ranks ????
Short listing is mainly based on marks obtained by student in imu cet 2015.
respected sir,
i gave IMU 2015 exam and expectiong to get 100-120 questions right. so could u please tell me how much approx rank could i fetch and also expected cutt off of this year. PLEASE REPLY SOON!!
Well that will depend as how many students have got questions right. If more, than obviously cut off will go high.
Sir,please tell me that how to apply for company sponsorships???I have attempted 186 questions and expecting most of them correct.Please reply as soon as possible.Thank you
For applying company sponsorships, you have to contact companies, and have to ask about their tests related to placements.
Good morning sir,
i gave imu cet 2015 and am expecting 145-155 questions correct. So sir CAN I GET A SEAT IN GOVT.INSTITUTION FOR BSC NAUTICAL SCIENCE? And sir is DNS necessary before pursuing BSc? If YES then which institution will be the best for sponsorship?
Well that will depend on the cut off. Wait and see how results come out.
Hello sir
I just wanted to enquire what to do now after getting a rank of 2118. I have a sponsorship from Anglo eastern Ltd. It would be a great favour. Thanks
Sir my catg. sc but in result my name is in general catg. How it's possible?
Sir, please tell me how many students have appeared in the imu cet 2015?
Sir, can u please tell me the approx number of students who have appeared for the imu cet 2015 ?
What is the min rank to get admission in TS CHANAKYA ….
As such there is none, depends on students choice.
sir i got 954 rank in IMU CET 2015. Can i get a seat in imu campus for BSc nautical science?
Sir Please reply as soon as you can!!!!
Yes you might get one.
I got 2223 rank in IMU cet 2015 will I get any government college
Will be difficult considering the number of seats.
sir i hv acquired a rank of 1836, whch govt collge am i getting ??
sir ,
i have got 5661 rank in IMU CET and i am "OBC"
would i get any collage in counselling for BSC NAUTICAL SCIENCE
sir my rank in imucet 2015 is 6185….. which college should i go..
My IMU CET rank is 8211 in general category , can i get a college under IMU
Sir I got AIR 83 in CML. category general. Please suggest me the best institute I should be taking up for btech. marine engg.. Kindly tell me pro's and con's of the institute as well..!! thanks
Good morning sir,
My rank in IMU CET 2015 is 7564 will I get govt. college for B tech Marine engineer.
I got 2694 what colleges should i be expecting???
Sir my rank is2733 can i get a good college for dns???
Sir I got 1403 rank in imucet 2015. Can I get admissions in IMU or Meri colleges
Your rank is little higher, you might or might not.
sir, i got 103 rank (gen) cateogary in Imu 2015
which best college i can get.
what is scope in marine engineering.
I have been told that there are no jobs in this field and people get placed after some donation and there's a lot of waiting for the job. is this true??? reply fast..
my rank in imu cet 2015 is 823 GENERAL
will i get a good college
sir my rank is 7377can i get any gov collage my 12th percentage is74
sir i got imu cet 2015 rank 871(general) so can u plzz tell which can i get for doing btech marine engineering acoording to ur experience about cut off of colleges
sir i got rank 871 in 2015 now what's the process for taking admission.and for btech marine engineering sponshorship is compulsory and whwt is the process..for it..sir me..
Sir my rank is 669 and i blng to obc so can i gt meri kolkata for plz rply
Sir how cn i gt sponsorship
plz rply
sir what can i expect with a rank of 3k in imucet(general) ?
Not necessarily, but you might get if students don't go towards government colleges.
Please do share the questions that were asked in this exam.
sir i got 1700 rank in imucet 2015 can i get in any of the imu campus for marine engineering
please reply fast sir
i have scored 334 rank in imucet2015. wt are the possibilities for btech in govt college.
i am fro obc (non creamy layer)
sir i have got 989 rank in imu cet 2015. any chance for dns from mumbai.
wt about btech.
Sir my rank is 1296.Do i have the slightest possibility of getting admission in MERI Kolkata?
Can u also please tell me what the cut off rank was for MERI kolkata last year?
Well chances are less.Sorry we can not actually tell how much is the cut off. But yes top 500 rank people usually fill it first.
Many students who have completed marine deck and engine courses are waiting for years to get placed on ships for completing on-board training. There is a lot of flooding of candidates and no jobs. These marine institutes are only interested in making money by admitting students for various courses. Strangely nobody is thinking about supply and demand. There is so much supply of marine trainees that there are not enough ships to accommodate all the trainees coming out from these institutes. Some people/agencies/companies are taking advantage of this situation and lurching poor candidates to offer placements on ships by demanding lacs of rupees.
sir i got 2nd rank in imu cet.
will i get marine engineering ?
Please use name before commenting.
As far as course is concerned, you will get good college.
Sir I got 3200 rank [gen]…which collage can i get..? can i get MANET or SIMS.?
Some of gk questions were-1. Which sea has highest salinity?
2. Lakshwadeep island is located in which sea?
I got 3186 rank …Please tell me some dns company which will take me on this tank.
Thanks Mihir,
Well your rank is little high, but keep on trying different colleges.
My rank in imu cet 2015 is 2965 what to do next plz tell me
Sir i have secured 850 rank (gen) in imucet…can i get any of the imu campus??? if yes, then please suggest which one???? sir please reply fast!!!!!!
sir i am nirbhay and i got 954 rank in imu cet 2015. which govt. colleges i can expect for marine engineering??
can you please name a few of them….Please reply soon sir
For doubts please contact here
sir,my name is ashish kaushal, i got 62 rank(sc) in imu,could i get a seat in imu,mumbai for nautical engineering .also tell me how many total seats are there in imu nautical engineering?
You will get whatever college you want, as your rank is good. So, don't worry about seats.
You can connect live with us here
is there any chance of getting admission in marine engineering with low rank 7200 obc category ??
Reply Soon….
sir i have got 1635(gen) rank in imucet 2015.Which is the best college for marine engineering i can get?is there any good gov. college which i could get at this rank?
sir i got 550 rank in general can i grt meri kolkatta
Yes you might get admission in meri kolkata, depending on other students who are ahead goes where.
sir i got 502 rank in imucet 2015 , which best govt. college can i get? please tell me .
sir i got 2541 rank ,I belong to general category , can i get any college…?
sir i got 2541 rank in imu cet 2015 , i belong to general category , will i be able to get any colleges……?
Sir i got 4847 rank in cet imu 2015 and i belong to sc category… will i be able to get meri kolkata
Sir my imucet rank is 4111[gen] can i get a good collage for marine engg
May be difficult for you.
Sir i got 3200 rank in imucet [gen]…which collage can i get ? can i get MANET or SIMS ?
ay rank is 3049 i am belong to obc can i get any collage in btech maritime
sir i have found many prestigious companies have closed their application form for DNS course. I have got 954 (general) rank in IMU CET 2015. so should i proceed for govt. or private institution through IMU counselling without sponsorship or not?? Can i expect a good future ahead in this field?? Can i get a good placement from campus?? I got 89.20% in 12 CBSE board.
Sir please reply at your earliest……
sir i got compartment in maths in 10+2 after clearing compartment can i apply for imu cet
Hello Sir I got 102 rank in IMU CET for MBA, can u help me with the placements in IMU campuses and which campus to go for IMU Kochi , kolkata, chennai and for which management shipping or logistic??
rply ASAP
See as far as placements are concerned, we don't have much info about. But you can always contact students who are studying out there.
About the campus, you can consider some of the factors like how far from home.
Where can I find mock test for imu cet as I am preparing for it at my level best
Is there negative marking in test.?
Hi sir please tell me what is the last date of imucet test 2016 and if I missed then what should I do please tell quickly
without imucet how to join in bsc nautical sciences programme
Respected sir wil u plz tell me That whats the Passing marks For DNS courses…I am preparing for imu cet nd i hve confident that i will clear that exam….But plz tell what would be the passing marks for DNS courses?
That depends on the cut offs. Every year this changes.
Sir did CBSE students give improvement exam from another board can give IMU cet and not why they cannot given it
My eye power is -2.56.Can i eligible to take admission through imucet?
Sir, I need to know how much marks do I need to score in the coming test to secure a seat at imu Kolkata. I want naval engineering as a branch.
At least give me a approximate idea.
No of student appeared for imucet 2015
Sir I got sponsorship in MSC shipping for deck cadet. Will I get admission if I got high rank.
How much I have to score to get best collage
What is the qualification mark for this test?
Sir iam am getting around 60/200 in imucet 2016. What can be my rank at this scofe?
Sir I have got 90% in pcm n my IMU cet rank is 5656 . I was also qualify Jee mains 2016 . Is there is chances to get dns from mumbai
Sir my pcm is 62 but my english is only 34 . If a got selected for imu exam will i be dis qualified because english eligibility is 50%. Sir please tell me,rahul.thingujam@gmail. Com
Sir…i have got 59% in pcm and 50% in english in bihar board…..can i apply for admmision in top colleges in marine engineering…..sir pls tell me sir
sir i have got 205 rank in imu cet 2016 could i got any collage for MBA
Hello sir,
I got 6619 rank in IMU vet 2016 and I want to do architect and ocean engineering
So sir I request u to kindly let me know if I’m eligible for this course or not…..
Please sir do reply me its very urgent…
Hello Sweta,
Just go through the brochure of the university and see the eligibility for the course that you are willing to join. Thanks for commenting.
Sir my rank in IMU CET 2016 is 4981 . Can I get selected for 1 year pres sea training at Anglo Eastern ? I am in GENERAL (Open) category.
1) I am 22 years old with 12th PCM aggregate 67% , English 68%
2) But I had taken arts (BA) after 12th Science
3) My 12th passing year is 2011
Anglo Eastern official said that I will get rejected due to 12th passing year and Arts in graduation.
sir i got 78% in 12th and my imu cet rank is 9768. Is there any scope in this field for me and i also have apllied in tolani maritime institute,Pune.
Sir/Mem I have got 9100 rank in imu 2016 and I am from ST category(85 rank) I want to take admission in B.Tech.which college I can get please reply me it’s necessary to know
Hi sir , sir in 2016 June how much rank is required to get admittion in any college category wise
Hi sir. My rank is 8624 n I belong to sc.Have I any scope of getting govt college.
Sir I have rank 13697 can i get any college in imu
My rank is 6161 general category which college I get
I have got 11336 rank…can I get any college in IMU……reply please
Sir,my rank in imu cet is 1456.
Can i get admission in one of the colleges from imu campus?
I’m from northeast and i also belong to obc(ncl) category.
sir,sir,,,, i got 12568 rank in imu cet 2016. can i get any gov. college for any branch. i am in obc.
Respected Sir/mam, I have got 4071 rank in IMU CET 2016. Which college would I likely to get for marine engg. course.And also guide me about the counselling process.
My Rank in IMU CET is 9462 & my XII th % is 71%.
Sir i have got 26 rank in cet.i want admission in course in which college i should take admission.
At this rank, you can get any best college of marine engineering.
are u krazy?
Sir i got 2403 rank in imu cet 2016 and 93% in xii from cbse board (gen category). Will i get any goverment college . plz reply
Sir I got 10391 rank in imucet can I get a seat
My rank is 1725 in imu.can I get imu kolkata.I am obc (ncl).
Hello sir , Myself Amit. I got 2496 rank in imu cet and belongs to sc category. Can i get any imu campus in marine engineering??
My IMU CET RANK :- 2486 , Category :- SC CBSE board %- 81%(PCM-82%), English- 90 marks , CAN I GET ANY IMU CAMPUS IN MARINE ENGINEERING? ??
sir i have secured 2590 rank in IMUCET JUNE 2016 can i get T.S. CHANAKYA
CONTACT ME 8426878666
sir i m from obc ncl and my cet rank is 2302
can i get admission in kolkata.
sir i got 292 gen rank in imu cet 2016 can i get btech me in meri kolkata?
Sir i have got 13552 rank will i get a good college
Sir my rank in imu 2016 is 1049 general category and pcm 92 and English 92
May I get government college
sir i got 452 rank in imu cet 2016 .will i get navel architecture and ocean engineering in imu vishakapattanam ?
Sir i am general and got 6678 rank and 80% in 12th.. Can i gt any govt college…???
I got 8239 rank in imu. Will i get a college sir.
I got 8239 rank in imu cet 2016. Will i get a college for btech or any other coarse sir.
My rank in IMU CET 2016 is 1276. I wish to pursue B.Sc. (Nautical Science) through T. S. Chanakya.
Is there any hope of allotment of seat to me ? If no, then which other IMU campus should I prefer ?
Sir i got 10006 rank from general category in imu cet 2016 ug am i got imu campus plz reply sir it is turning point of my life plz sir
Sir my imu rank is 10006 in imu cet 2016 from general category am i got imu capus for plz reply me sir it is very urgent for me
Sir my imu rank is 10006 in imu cet 2016 from general category am i got imu capus for plz reply me sir it is very urgent
my imucet rank is 2306 and 10+2 aggregate is 91%, is it fruitful for me to fill up the counselling?
My rank in IMU-CET 2016 is 1276 (GENERAL). I am looking forward to pursue B.Sc. (Nautical Science) from T. S. Chanakya. Is there any hope of seat allotment to me ? If no, then which IMU campus should I prefer ?
Eagerly waiting for your reply.
sir i have got 6420 rank in imu cet 2016 i am belong sc category and i want addmision in imu mumbai so please can u tell me have i any chance to take addmision in b-tech imu mumbai.
I have got 11215 rank and I belong to SC category and I scored 72.8% in CBSE I want to take admission in marine engineering… Should I??
sir i had something 9000 rank in imucet and there is 435 sc candidate is get high merit
then me can i get govt college in mumbai some chances sir reply me immediately
I have got 11215 rank and I belong to SC category and I scored 72.8 in class 12
I want to do marine engineering should I get any government collage????? 🙁
I am geat 56% mark in pcm of 12th class in cbse board. I take in B Tech course in imu campus. I am qualife the imucet 4 jun 16.Can i take admition pl reply me.
I have got 9133 rank in IMUCET 2016 and I belong from OBC(NCL) I want to take admission in btech is there any chance for me in IMU
Plz rply me on 8409039312
Sir I got 1914 rank in IMU and I’m Obc ncl which college can I get for btech in marine engineer
Sir I got 59% in PCM in 10+2 cbse
And my imucet rank is 6124
I want to do BSc Nautical science
Should i get any gov. Or gov affilated collage.i belongs to general category
2016 CET for MBA & Rank is 241. The query is that when seat matrix for MBA is around 150 then how they can be alloted Campus/program to candidates. My another doubt is that I am an appearing student i.e I have given my UG exam this year and result will be out in the mid of august but counselling registration and confirmation of documents have to be done in july so how do I show my documents. 50% is required in UG and I have been waiting for final result as earlier it was been lacking to be 50. Please suggest that Do I register for counselling as Amount of 10000 + program fees 35000 will not be refunded and fear is that while confirming documents I will not be having final result.
Sir I got 11433 rank in cet exam..
I belongs to sc caategory.
Can I get admission in imu campus??
Sir, I heard that the marine colleges also have intakes from jee advance merit list. I have a rank of 15874 in jee advance(2016). Sir can you provide information about the closing rank for IIT-JEE aspirants.
Sir …… I have got 2626 rank in imu cet 2016 …..nd belong to sc category ………….
I have applied for b. Tech .
What colleges i might get in imu….
Also provide me the information regarding the sponsorship like ……how can i apply fo it
Sir, i got 1394 rank in imu cet 2016. Will i get seat in any of the imu campuses?
sir i get 4338 rank in IMU and 90.2% in 12th CBSE board and i want to do science) so may i proceed for councilling……….will i get any college in mumbai??????????
sir my rank is 2144 which govt. cllgs i maumy get?
Sir my name is monu. my imu 2016 rank is 1707 (obc) and my pcm marks is 94% …can i get Kolkata campus for btech..plz sir reply fast …plz
sir my imu cet rank is 5543….will i get a good college for in marine engineering or bsc in nautical science…….and i belongs to general category
Which college preference have u given….i also got 5335 rank…….
sir plz help me sir I got 13098 rank in IMU cet and in 12 I got 69% sir can I get a govt. College 0lz sir help me
sir plz help me sir I got 13098 rank in IMU cet and in 12 I got 69% sir can I get a govt. College plz sir help me
sir my imu cet rank is 673 and i belong to obc-ncl.may i get meri kolkata???
Sir I am not qualified for imu counsilling . What will do sir my imu rank is high. Is there any college to get it. Sir please reply. I am form manipur sir
Sir, I my rank is 6124 (obc-ncl) in IMUCET 2016then I got a govt. Collage in kolkata, mumbai, Visakhapatnam campus in second 2nd list
Sir will i get selection in feb. 2017 batch after getting 100 marks in imu cet i have sponsorship of ESM comp.Plz replty soon i’m very depressed
I m currently in class 12 and want to get MERI.sir what should I do to get in MERI
Sir what is the min. Rank needed so that i can get btech in marine engineering ?
Sir General12569 me imu cet me kon sa clg milega
I qualified for imu cet 2017 with a rank of 3828. I want to do marine engg. Which college can i get ?? Also shall i pay the online counselling fees which is 10000. Please reply as soon as possible
I’ve got 5021 rank in IMU.. Which colleges should I preferd for btech… Can I go for TS Chanakya for btech..
my rank is 4265 . can i get in good college ??? and which college should i choose for for this rank?????
I got 1022 rank in IMUCET 2017
I am from OBC NCL
I want to get admission in marine engg in KOLKATA Campus
or in MUMBAI Campus
Can i get…?
If i get then in which round ..?
sir I got 8655 rank in imucet 2017 can I get IMU .if yes which campus I can get?
I got 7960 rank in IMU CET 2017 . I want to study in DNS marine. Can Any chances I get Imu if yes then Which campus???
Plz suggest me sir.
l got 10195 rank in imu cet exam , and my mark in class 12th is 72%…
ls this rank is good for taking addmission and having a good colleage for me?
plss reply fast sir
what should i do…
pray to god
i have got 761rank crl and obc category plz suggest me which is better bsc {nautical science}or btech in marine engineering.and also about the fees does it includes mess and hostel charge also
Sir i got 2687 rank in IMU cet and i want DNS course can i get adm in IMU colleges
Hi Sir
I have 72% in PCM in +2
And preparing for IMU CET
What if i didn’t get good rank in IMUCET
Can I get a gokd cllg
sir can you help me in telling how well i should prepare for imucet
Sir how many mark is reequired to get a government imu
Sir how many mark is required to get a government imu
sir plz tell me where medical certificate need n how it wil prepard???
Sir I got in maths 43 marks in other subject I got above 70 can I get seat in imu
hello sir, how many question we have to attempt for a good rank under 1000 in imu cet please i want to know.
I have secured All India rank of 61 in IMUCET 2018 exam. Which is the best college in terms of placement to study marine engineering ?