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What is UMS ship and Its SOLAS Requirement
What is UMS ship and what are its requirements? UMS stands for Unmanned Machinery Space, which means that the ship’s engine room does not require constant human supervision or attendance. UMS ships are designed to operate with automated systems that monitor and control the machinery, such as propulsion, power generation, ventilation, fire detection and suppression, […]
Sailor Queen-Oh! How much I Miss my Sailing Days
Day before yesterday I saw a ship rolling towards our port for berthing. Why am I calling our port? This time I am writing from the ¼th side of the Earth i.e. the land. Yes my sailor just grabbed a shore job in the same company and now he works from the other side of the […]
Structure of Maritime Labor Convention 2006
This convention has been divided in various parts. These are according to the needs, and the changes which have to be implemented in order to make seafarers life good on board ship.It also eliminates the problems of flag of ships. Earlier it used to happen that if a ship that does not follow certain rule […]