As per the news coming from the Brazil, that one crew member from MSC ship ‘Giselle’ was tested positive for COVID-19, after he complained of stomach pain. Later as a precaution he was asked to go for corona test, which came positive. Ship arrived on 8th of May into the port of Santos. But after this result came, whole ship has been put under quarantine. Now authorities will check all the crew members for the covid -19 tests. Currently ship is in anchor, outside the port and will be attended by the concerned authorities.
Chances of Corona Virus spreading on ship from one person to another are higher as the air conditioning is common and it can easily get air borne. Though getting virus while sailing is almost negligible but during port operations people can easily come in contact with each other. Strict sanitization to be maintained during port and also after ship leaves the port.
Ship Name: MSC Giselle
IMO 9720196
Callsign 3FPX4
Flag- Panama
Gross Tonnage 94469
Deadweight (t) 110412
Length (m) 299.82
Beam (m) 48.33
TEU 9400 (Container Carrying Capacity)

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