ePariksha dg shipping
marinersgalaxy.com Merchant Navy Sea Jobs

epariksha dg shipping

ePariksha dg shipping is an online examination platform developed by the Directorate General of Shipping in India. It allows candidates to take various examinations for maritime professionals, such as competency and proficiency tests, from the convenience of their own location. epariksha dg shipping The e-Pariksha platform provides a secure and reliable means of conducting exams, […]

iit madras ocean engineering
marinersgalaxy.com Naval Architecture Sea Jobs

iit madras ocean engineering

In this article we will discuss about iit madras ocean engineering and also how to take admission to various courses. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras is one of the premier institutions in India offering ocean engineering programs. The Department of Ocean Engineering at IIT Madras offers undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs in ocean engineering. […]

pipe line, indian shipping company, ocean engineering
marinersgalaxy.com Naval Architecture Sea Jobs

what is ocean engineering-All details

Ocean engineering is described in this article in a detailed manner. Hope you will enjoy reading this article. Ocean engineering is a complex and interdisciplinary field that combines principles from various engineering disciplines such as mechanical, electrical, civil, and environmental engineering, as well as specialized fields such as marine biology, oceanography, and geology. The field […]

marinersgalaxy.com Merchant Navy Shipping Industry STCW Courses

best maritime university in the world

best maritime university in the world has been given in this article, please note this is not standard list, and ranking may change as per the deciding parameters. List of best maritime university in the world 1) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA: MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a highly-regarded undergraduate program in Naval […]

international maritime organization
marinersgalaxy.com Merchant Navy

international maritime organization-All you need to know

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) responsible for regulating and promoting safety, security, and environmental performance of international shipping. functions of international maritime organization The IMO was established in 1948, and it has its headquarters in London, United Kingdom. The organization works with member states, shipping companies, […]

sid dg shipping
marinersgalaxy.com Merchant Navy Shipping Industry

sid dg shipping-all you need to know

sid dg shipping, dg shipping sid, the Seafarer’s Identification Document (SID) is a mandatory identity document issued to Indian seafarers under the provisions of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW). The SID is issued by the Directorate General of Shipping, Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Government of […]