We recently published a news regarding Lexa Maersk, when they had medically evacuated a crew member on their ship. This was after he developed symptoms of fever. As per the news coming, ships is reaching on APM terminal in Rotterdam with 6 infected crew members which includes captain as well. Though there is no official confirmation from the company, but sources say so. The date of arrival on Rotterdam is 18th May. For long time, the position of the ship has not updated on various vessel tracking website. On Maersk official website, the latest port of arrival is Rotterdam.
History of Lexa Maersk:
One seaman with fever symptoms was medevac from Maersk Container Ship– Lexa Maersk. On 8th of May Ship called for port Charlotte Amalie, US Virgin Islands and anchored outside. The ill crew member was then taken to hospital. There is probable action of doing quarantine to the ill seaman. Ship is still anchored outside the port.