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11 Quotes About Sea And Sailors-Certainly Makes You Think
Sea and sailor are always goes together and here are some of the quotes that best describes the feeling of sailor and other who sailed. Some of them are so good that they can touch your heart and mind. Here are some of the interesting quotes about the sailors and the sea. Famous Quotes About Sea And Sailors 1. Here […]
What is Shipboard Ventilation, and Low and High Velocity System?
In this article you will get to know about the shipboard ventilation system used on ship. Furthermore, the two system namely: high and low velocity has also been discussed in detail. Shipboard ventilation is a necessary action that needs to be carried in order to protect the cargo that is being taken on ship from […]
Starting Air Valve-Overhauling and Maintenance
This article deals in the overhauling of the starting air valve of the main engine and the common parts that this have inside it. Starting air valve as it name suggest is used in the main engine. It comes in use when engine is being run on air, before it can attain being driven by […]