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Ship Detained In Australia Due To Expired Contracts of Seafarers
A ship was recently detained in one of the ports of Australia. And the deficiency was that several crew members’ contracts have expired and they have not been repatriated to their home land. Well though this brings to the notice of the whole world that seafarers have gone way beyond their tenure, but not many […]
Oil Mist Detector Alarm: Actions to be taken and what to do or not
Oil Mist Detector is equipment which monitors the environment inside a crankcase space of an internal combustion engine and thus tells the engineer, in case of formation of any type of explosive vapors occurring in the crankcase of engine. This is a preventive step avoiding crankcase explosion taking place. Here is the step by step procedure, to be followed in […]
How you will prepare for IOPP survey on ship
If you are a ship owner or operator, you may be wondering how to prepare for an International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) survey on your ship. An IOPP survey is a mandatory inspection that verifies your ship’s compliance with the requirements of MARPOL Annex I, which aims to prevent oil pollution from ships. IOPP survey- […]