engine lubrication, accumulation pressure test of boiler
Shipping Industry

Internal Combustion Engines Nomenclature, Performance Parameters and Power Ratings

Know about all the engine performance parameters like IHP, BHP Volumetric Efficiency and also about MCR, astern output etc. These are the basic terms that you need to know when you are studying the Internal Combustion Engine. Internal Combustion Engines Nomenclature Cylinder Bore (d) – The nominal inner diameter of the working cylinder is called […]

Marine Engines

What are the Different Components or Parts of a Boiler

This article discusses about the different parts or components that are present in a boiler. In this article we will get to know about each every component that is fitted inside the boiler. For example, super heater is the part of boiler that is used to generate superheated steam. Let’s discuss these parts in detail. Different components or parts […]