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Don’t Cease to Dream…. Ever!
Dream is a beautiful word and has many meanings. It carries different interpretations for different individuals. The dictionary describes it as, “a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep.” There are dreams that you see in your sleep and there are those that keep you going after them, forgetting whether you […]
Washington dc coast guard
Washington dc coast guard, The United States Coast Guard (USCG) is one of the five armed services of the United States and the only military organization within the Department of Homeland Security. Its motto is Semper Paratus, which means “Always Ready”. The USCG has a diverse range of missions, including maritime safety, security, environmental protection, […]
Ballast Water – Is it the necessary evil?
My research work in the under grad program was on the eco friendly hotels, that’s what they were called way back in 1997. Early 21st century gave a great nomenclature to the environmentally sensitive hotels calling them Ecotels. I have studied various ecotels across India learning about the concept, procedures and practices. That sensitization in […]