Get to know about some of the common simple Spanish words that are handy when you are visiting any place. OR even if you have some person on board who is Spanish. This language is spoken worldwide and, in many countries. So we decided to present 15 words that will help you to at least know what that means. It is always better to know some famous words about a language. Sailors are blessed with the facts that they roam around the world. So, for them these words might be quite useful.
Let’s read them one by one:
1) Buenos Dias English meaning is ‘Good Morning’
2) El Saludo This is used for ‘greeting’ somebody. Sometimes ‘Hola’ is also used.
3) Hola For ‘Hello’ it is used.
4) Bienvenido You can use this word for saying ‘Welcome’. Let’ say somebody says thank you. And return you can say ‘Bienvenido’.
5) Perdon Spanish word for ‘Sorry’.
6) Hasta Pronto When you want to say ‘See you soon’, this is the perfect Spanish word.
7) En Orden Use it to say ‘Okay’.
8) El Permiso Use: With due ‘permission’ of yours. Permission is the meaning.
9) Si-Read ‘See’ Yes. Say yes in Spanish by saying Si
10) El Placer Pleasure. My El Placer to meet you.
11) Cero Used for ‘Zero’. Looks same as in english.
12) El Tiempo Used for English word ‘Time’.
13) El Minuto One ‘El Minuto’ guys I am coming. Minute is the meaning.
14) El Acuerdo We have reached to an ‘El Acuerdo’. Agreement.
15) Libre Sailors live a ‘libre’ life. Means-Free.
Yes, I know the list is addictive. So, here are some other words for you.
16) La Fe Used for the word ‘Faith’. I have ‘la fe’ in my wife J
17) Denagado Use this word for ‘denied’.
18) Prohibido Used for the word ‘Prohibhited’.
19) El Deber Right now I am on ‘El Deber’. Means-Duty
20) La Obra De Teatro Yes this is little long. The meaning is ‘Play’. The most important one is here:
21) Te Amo I Love You. Use this word for your Girlfriend, wife, parents etc. There is a famous song which has this word. ‘te amo..te amo…..remember?
So these are some of the words that I had to write. Missed something? So, why don’t you write in comments, we will add them. This was all from this article on 15 Simple Spanish Words to learn.
Espitha = Shut up