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USCG-719B-Apply for a Merchant Mariner Credential
How to Apply for a Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) Using Form CG-719B. If you are interested in working as a merchant mariner, you will need to obtain a Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) from the U.S. Coast Guard. The MMC is a document that certifies your identity, nationality, medical fitness, training, and qualifications for various maritime […]
What is Shipboard Ventilation, and Low and High Velocity System?
In this article you will get to know about the shipboard ventilation system used on ship. Furthermore, the two system namely: high and low velocity has also been discussed in detail. Shipboard ventilation is a necessary action that needs to be carried in order to protect the cargo that is being taken on ship from […]
Oil Mist Detector Alarm: Actions to be taken and what to do or not
Oil Mist Detector is equipment which monitors the environment inside a crankcase space of an internal combustion engine and thus tells the engineer, in case of formation of any type of explosive vapors occurring in the crankcase of engine. This is a preventive step avoiding crankcase explosion taking place. Here is the step by step procedure, to be followed in […]