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Gear Pump Working, Construction, Maintenance
Introduction to Gear Pump Gear pump is among the important pumps, which are used on board ship. They are basically having gears, and these gears are responsible for the providing pressure energy to the fluid flowing through it. They mainly find their application in the lubrication oil transfer and hence are fitted with the main engine […]
Starting Air Valve-Overhauling and Maintenance
This article deals in the overhauling of the starting air valve of the main engine and the common parts that this have inside it. Starting air valve as it name suggest is used in the main engine. It comes in use when engine is being run on air, before it can attain being driven by […]
70 Horrifying Days In Pirates Captivity: A Seafarer Tell His Story
This original story was published by ISWAN, South Asia Excruciating 70 days in captivity: An Indian seafarer, Mr. Chaudhary, who was recently released from the captivity of Nigerian pirates shared his traumatic and horrific ordeal with ISWAN South Asia (India). ISWAN India contacted the seafarer and offered humanitarian support on behalf of the programme. During […]